Shana (Archived Topic)

Dear old Henry he just can’t help being who he is :roll_eyes: Could be begining to get b___dy jealous about the letcherous old sod :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


and he had to move Kostja just so he could sit beside Wendy

Well Kostja would have done nothing with her anyways…

Don’t say that Name!!!
:rage: :rage: :rage:

As doc brown said, erased from existence

hahahaha…they were talking in a group…Henry just barged in!!!

At least he wasn’t playing helicopter

Did he do that earlier when he was naked?I came back late and only saw from behind!

I think Henrys’ talk may have just strengthened their resolve!

If they leave the project, I don’t see marica, tejo, and jirina as a winning apartment

The thing is , on their first day back they earned more from their threesome than the others in the apartment earned during the whole week.

Are Koen and Shana starting something?


Couldn’t wait…


So Marica moves in with Shana,

And J&T go back to their real lives!

You meaning boring life


Wherever they go on their weeks away I assume!

Only just noticed that Indira has put a top on under her shirt!!! :joy: :rofl: :joy:…I apologise to whoever I cut off earlier to say she was naked under her shirt…she must have put that on after I moved realms.

In Russia they have a special name for this type of individuals: ’ a former person’, or a better translation: ‘former person’