Shana (Archived Topic)

There is for sure a different dynamic. People moving around a lot more. When you do not count the two couch potatoes of course :stuck_out_tongue:


on the fuck-couch

The question is,

is it because they wanna fuck,

or because they feel fucked?? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

BTW S&T home, Wendy and Marica not.

They are back brought in some ______:

Marica had her fun yesterday, sheā€™ll be back to see shana and Koen very soon

Indira and Kostja should do like the others get up and leave not let Henry control them

They went to see their friend Shana, so if this party stays as is, might as well

Wendy and Marica back

Wendy actually went home with S&T and once inside the door, turned around and left againā€¦ glad sheā€™s back.

They filled up the stocks

Shana putting a proposal to I&K

So it looks like Marica went to accompany Wendy back, which begs the question, why did either of them leave in the first place? :laughing:

Seems Kostja is the drama queen againā€¦

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Look at Cam 3 timeline at S&Tā€¦ she came back with them and left immediately.

Marica brought wendy back so she could enjoy Koen

Nice to see Elisha in good mood again :+1:


No, just made up his own mind not to play there game right now. You are spectulatingā€¦

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yā€™a tā€™il moyen de le garder la bas ?

yes, but when they walked through the door coming back, they had a clinging white plastic bag with bottles with them, could have been Coke, but I doubt it.

bet they are talking about Kostja and Indira not doing what Henry wants

How that?

Nothingā€™s gonna happen right?? :rofl: :rofl:

Possibility is high for thatā€¦