Searching for archive video

hello i m searching of archive video in appartement of milf with short hair and young boy there is no video in archive they used to live in 2019 i think


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You most likely mean Veronika…

not Veronika ,the milf has black hair

She changed her hair color quite often. Could also be you mean Ruta?

not ruta , the mature lady (cougar) live with the young boy fo like 1 or 2 month and left the project i think in 2019 or 2020

Have to check on this. Hold on :wink:

Probably Iren? She was older, just don’t remember if she leaved with any one cause didn’t saw her much

But she never had short hair…

thanks for your reply but it 's not iren

Is it Luna & Dominic?

no not this couple ,i search in all archive i didnt found them i think there replay was deleted

Maybe this will help.

I went throught that list already but I did not find anybody fitting to his discreption…

I checked it as well and couldn’t think of who they are on about but when they see the list it may jolt an idea for them. :grin:

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Nice to see some of the old names on there. :slight_smile: Happy memories…of some of them!

It might be referring to Betty

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But she was earlier than 2019