When I click on the screenshot icon in the upper right corner of the screen, all I get is a black box. Can anyone give me a clue as to what I might be doing wrong?
I would love to get a screenshot right now from Katia’s Cam 7 of her lying naked flat on her back - but whenever I click on the screenshot icon, all I get is a blank screen. Not sure what I might be doing wrong.
You using a computer? Web browser like chrome, firefox? If yes try disabling extensions one by one, and trying it again, incase an extension is causing it.
I’m using Safari on an MacBook - but I’ll try that to see if that is the problem. Thanks.
I had a problem when I was clicking on save and nothing was happening. It turned out my pop up blocker was the problem.
Thanks, I’ll check that, because I’m still having the same problem.
Is there another web browser you can use?
Explorer - I’ll give that a try.