Savannah & Troy

is it love


I don’t know what’s going on here, but the blonde wants to leave and they are physically keeping her from doing so

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So that was the highlight of the day?

I really don’t know why this place still exists except to have free accommodation for some people.

Perhaps it’s called real life eh? :roll_eyes:

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When did you last pee on the bed then robwin? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :grin: :grin: :grin:

Such a personel question young man :rofl:
To be honest i can’t remember but no doubt i may have when i was a lovely little babe :rofl:

Troy’s apartment doesn’t seem normal, with all these comings and goings. They all seem quite young for actually knowing what they want

No doubt it’s all quite normal in their nomadic type world where they just drift around looking for the latest free bed and board. Quite sad if you really think about it.

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What happen to this realm

 it was hot when they organise parties and savannah also sex with others but now it looks like they have open a school for young c___dren
. :rofl:

How many times have we asked you to stop posting gifs of your sex life? :joy: This really needs to stop ukpolska.

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:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I am sorry, I have learnt my lesson now and I promise I will not do it again. :+1:

Not a very inspiring selection of food eh, crisps and peanuts, must be nearing the end of the month budget :rofl:

Or are we seeing the effects of sanctions? Or a combination of both? :thinking:

Well maybe, it’s gotta bite sooner or later :roll_eyes:

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They need to have Kostja come over and cater their parties again. :joy:

Suppose the staple Russian meal of Pizza is non existant now, wow. :rofl:

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It looks like the effects of not having a professional cook in their apartment if you ask me.

I don’t think we will be seeing Paul and Debby! :laughing:

Paul’s probably stockpiled a load of Pizza by now :rofl:

Have you been reading my Tinder profile again??

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