




That dog is obviously unsuitable for that environment. And, it appears to be entirely an annoyance and inconvenience for the occupants.


I understand your indignation, but she is still a child whose character is just forming, yes, sometimes Greta irritates us with her behavior and we scold her, but this does not mean that she is not loved here, many puppies are hyperactive and this moment just needs to be endured, as with walks, she is just getting used to the street, so in this situation, all that remains is to be patient


How on earth can you make such a statement about someone else’s pet that they take good care of and are going to train into “an adult” dog? :index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :angry:

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I don’t want to be “that guy” but when you sign up for vhtv you are watched 24/7. I have seen that poor dog beg to go out but had no choice but to go pee on the floor many times. I also saw where the dog went poop and it sat there for hours until she decided to eat it. It doesn’t matter if it’s day or night the dog just goes to the bathroom without anyone cleaning up after it. The one common denomintor is that the whole time there was something more important on the phone than paying attention to the dog. A dog is not like a cat and needs way more attention. It’s not anyones fault it’s the generation of phone zombies. Hours are spent with faces in phones ignoring what is happening in real life and around them. As a owner of an almost 19 year old dog, yes 19 years old. I can honestly say that it sickens me too see the neglect of this poor animal. Words mean nothing when everything is caught on video. A dog needs a lot of attention which it’s just not getting here. Even with a sexy girl running around naked all day it’s hard to ignore what’s going on in the background. I guess I don’t mind being “that guy” when it comes to the care of animals of any sort.

  • or more accurate: The environment is absolutely not suitable for that dog. It is obviously very stressed, and all the yelling and screaming just makes it worse.


Actions speak louder than words.

You’re not gaslighting me troll.

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: VHTV and the Chamber of Chatters


its not your pet, what i seen the pet is looked after in fact you should say sorry to San its not good what you said


this girl for sure got a great body thats for sure


That’s a joke right? Are we watching the same apartment? It’s not my pet but there is a thing called animal neglect. Sitting there and watching the dog go pee all over the place and doing nothing not even clean it up does not make a good pet owner. All those wet spot on the floor are not from water those are pee spots. The pee is absorbing into the floor which is unhealthy on all accounts not just for the animals but people too. Being on the phone atleast 18 hours a day with about 5 hours of sleep ignoring what needs to be done does not constitute a good pet owner. A dog needs more than one walk a day, it needs multiple walks so it can do it’s business outside and get exercise. They need fresh water throughout the day and to be fed proper meals at proper times. It’s not rocket science but it is a commitment that needs to be met for however long the animal lives or a person has the animal. If a person cannot commit to looking after pets properly they shouldn’t have them as it’s not fair to the pet or person. So no there will be no “sorries”. I say this again when people sign up for vhtv they are watched 24/7 for everyone to watch how people live. Participants are called out for all sorts of things and this is no different. There is also the timeline that anyone can go and watch that proves what I am saying is true.


well 1st of all its all new to the dog so it will take time for the dog to get use to the place ,its also a young dog that also will take time to do what its got to do you are the only one that said anything if there was something bad then i sure that VHTV would do something and like you said its not your dog if you want to do something call the dog police