
Good luck on your relocation :heart: :two_hearts:

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Good luck on relocation hope everything goes smoothly :pray:


Wow another relocation here. Hopefully to a bit nicer place. This one was not very good. Especially the views on kitchen and sofa left a lot to desire.

@Edrym_Roza it makes me sooooo sad to know you both are still homeless. Do you know when your relocation will be over and you will be getting your own place again?

Hello guys, we will be moving to a new apartment very soon and you will see us in a different time zone


Gorgeous and which one?

good luck with the move :heart:

Montana if she returns


They are moving into @jabbath1987’s basement cam studio.

Hopefully to a place with better cam setup than Derek Gina now.

Good luck with the move especially into a different time zone. :hugs:

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Back online. In a nice place too


Glückwunsch, schöne Wohnung. Ich hoffe, ihr lebt euch gut ein und fühlt euch wohl

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Welcome back. A very nice apartment :heart:


Content de vous revoir, en esperant que vous vous plairez dans cet appartement. Pas commode de bien placer une camera dans cette salle de bain. Vivez des jours heureux (ce qui nous rendra heureux aussi)

Looks like they have a new pet :thinking:

@Edrym_Roza a name and few pics for him ?


With proper use the shower could pay for itself

That’s the only part i don’t really like in this apartment, the lack of a bathtub

I prefer a shower over a tub think Elliot’s

That one had a great on top view, i agree