
@John78 mag ik een optie nemen op alle haaien ? ( blauw en rose )

Well, the answer is Yes, you can take the blue and pink ones. I will keep with this one as it is grey :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Is he as___p here :rofl:

Pasha has ouchies on his knee. :anguished: :cry:

Have to say not a fan of Pasha and would prefer to see Arina with Archie or Artem

Don’t be so selfish. :triumph:

Arina could have a foursome with all of them. She used to have threesomes with Pasha & Nurlan that were :fire: !!!

At first glance, it does look like it, doesn’t it? However, I think he’s just looking relaxed, stroking the cats. :smiley_cat:

That would be great viewing :pray::+1:

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If Arina and Pasha ever decided that this life was for them again, their realm would shoot close to the top of my watch list at least

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Unfortunately your personal watch list doesn’t pay all of their bills for them. :pensive: :cry:

I wonder with all the appearances here if Arina/Pasha will rejoin the project. One can dream.

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Ich wĂŒrde mir auch wĂŒnschen dass die zurĂŒck kommen . Ihr Gehen war sehr plötzlich gar nicht absehbar , fand ich . Weiß jemand mehr ? Wobei ich find dass die ab und an etwas seltsam RĂŒber kommen wenn man sie mal als GĂ€ste sieht . Pascha hat auch ziemlich oft Narben 
 vielleicht hat es was damit zu Tun .

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Wow, I never knew his legs were that long! :laughing:

He still looks great though. :heart:


Boomer’s own re-enactment of ‘climb every mountain’!



Gorgeous guy, beautiful ass
totally loveable



I’m really enjoying how much Arina is visiting