
It still needs more time to relax, (is shy), because at the moment, it is far from that
(Avoided images in the shower, and exiting the shower)

Five gorgeous pictures of an equally gorgeous young man! :heart:

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That was funny, but that is one dog that would be banned from my bedroom. And, the poor cat just wanted to s___p. Beautiful cat, BTW.


Somebody left the toilet seat up.
:innocent: :grin:

There are 2 days now since these 2 are barely speaking, hopefully everything is alright with them :thinking: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


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At least the dog wasn’t trying on this occasion, to do the unspeakable things he normally does, to that poor cat! Things which, I am actually surprised have been allowed to continue to happen, for as long as they have.


I can’t figure out what’s going on here! Edrym is becoming very cozy with the guest girl. Roza is spending less time with Edrym and doesn’t seem to be in the apartment as much plus the bathroom cam is now missing. Everybody seems to be sad and morose.

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Must be because it’s the same old tail.

@tavares105244, why did I get a thumbs down? I was just making a joke.

Wondering why is Edrym grounded for, Roza even build a “wall” between them :joy:

It was for the cam nobody fixes it!

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i reported to support yesterday they said to would be fixed soon

Camera has already been fixed since yesterday.

Jerking off

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i no i was making reference to when it was down thats when i reported it but support already knew about the issue


Phew, what a relief, i was quite worried about these two :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: