Gina has fun beyond all limits. It was a full party here!
I’m waiting for the day that we get participants who don’t speak Russian. I always have to translate.
I think you have to be patient. It won’t happen very soon. If it ever does…
I think some of us will end up learning Russian before this could happen
Already making headway with some basic greetings and cuss words
My boyfriend gets good at it now. He even sat to his monitor with his Google translate. Funny to watch.
He also likes to go to Russia but then for visiting someone starting with the letter P. To give him a present.
A lot of people have presents for mr p
I doubt the money VHTV/managers could pay participants in say USA, England or Canada would even entice participant’s.
And where is Gina off to?
Not only there, i can not think of a single EU country where that can be possible. And i mean to open there with participants from that country, not renting a place and then bring people from the same ones that we already have.
At least not for the monthly fee we pay now.
See I keep reading these statements everybody saying money talks, but all I’ve seen is two beautiful women doing less than what they did when they were with their men now you made that and I don’t think they’re going to do more. I think they’re going to continue doing less.
I guess I’m more of that. I want to see Sex type of voyager instead of I want to see them play with themselves type of lawyer if you understand what I mean lol
There is very little to almost none that voyeur sex type you’re talking about. So the drama and the “soap opera” is left for us to watch
That is so true you are speaking the gospel right now lol but yet and still this part of me there’s hoping that they’re going to find the groove or something that they’re going to start bringing in to bring back that magic. That’s what I’m keeping my fingers crossed and I guess that’s why I’m still a member lol
She has gotten much thicker, which is a good thing since she started, and that ass is voluptuous
So you have him for no money and a small dick??
Although prostitution is legal in England setting up a flat with cameras would be classed as pimping