
With Klaus too…

Mb guests will stay at R&E’s room for a while or…???
Mb we will see Yuri, Charlie,Edon, Rumit and C° one day! :grinning:



10/10 across the board



Meanwhile… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Oh really? What might that be then? :confused: :thinking: :confounded:

I dare you to answer that without even a hint of a homophobic slur…


This guy is blokked ,don t worry…

I don’t see anything on the account to suggest that Is the case. Usually when VHTV do that, they put a notice up next to the person’s name and sometimes even give a reason for the ban. They haven’t (at the time of me writing this) so far…

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I said blocked but here I read “Ignored content” …mb I did it before!

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That was lovely. I have a lot of respect for Edrym for what he was involved in, with his male guest on this occasion.


Yes really nice…not sure he hasn’t met this guy before…everyone knew everyone in the timezone of Poppy and C° before… :heart_eyes:

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Just my 2 cents on this whole situation. Watching some of the guy/guy stuff here can be a turn on especially something like what Bradley and Silver are doing with the trans person now (sorry don’t their pronouns or name). If Edrym is bisexual so be it as it has been seen in the past but not to the extent it was last night. Could explain the current situation with Gabi/Roza and why Edrym is ok with it all. However, Gabi seems to be a womanizer who looks to screw Roza every chance he gets and disrespect her like he did in front of everyone when she was _____ yesterday at Nikki’s. Granted Roza seemed to enjoy it and even initiated it a few times, but she was _____. If Gabi respected her he would have shoes away until they were in private. He also seemed to embarrass Edrym yesterday trying to get him to fuck Roza when he was beyond _____ and couldn’t get it up. While he was doing that he tried to take of Nikki’s shirt which she refused and then showed his dick to Nikki. I think Gabi is an idiot and can see him in the same class as Henry or the guy that was with Charlize who was involved in that “non-r__e” situation.i hope Roza wises up.

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Edrym seems to be very good with his fingers!!!

(continuation of male / male activity)


It’s hard to understand Gabi’s behavior towards Roza …he fucks her when he wants and Roza lets him do it every time or almost.Roza loves sex it’s undeniable from what I see of her.Every times Edrym or Gabi cum on her she smiles all the time.For me Gabi’s behavior is often disrespectful towards Roza.This sexual triangle is pretty weird lol.Its my opinion i may be wrong.

I have so much respect to edrym he knows what he wants…:joy:hope there’s also an encounter between Gabi And edrym… Let’s see who’s top and bottom.:laughing:

Mb done outside!

All kind of everything are good, for those who watch and aren’t homophobic, that’s my opinion.

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His position is strange, because the country, although I am not a national of it, but living and working in this small and beautiful country, in general, I do not consider the country to be homophobic. Never the rule without exception. Two examples:. Marriage and adoption of c___dren by people of the same sex is permitted; and recently a transgender was chosen as Miss and competed for Miss Universe, having placed 13th according to what I was told at the Theater where I work. :hugs: