The couple are about to wake up and I’m about to go to bed, it’s already 4am.
Poor Ares must be cold. He got a full shave.
Rosy, hairless cats always seek out warmth because they have no fur to keep them warm. It’s possible Ares is feeling the same way right now, due to his shave. A nice little sweater might help him be more comfortable.
Just a thought. This is Luntik, Gella and Winston Wolf’s hairless cat.
Rosy took those words about her having to clean up Ares’ fur seriously.
No Ares is not cold. It is cozy warm in the apartment.
Rosy deserves all the beauty sleep she can get
I’m sure it is at Gella’s place, as well. She walks around naked almost all the time, but Luntik still seeks out warmth in the winter, even with his sweater on.
If they have a heating pad, ask them to put it on low and put it someplace prominent, like maybe the corner of the sofa, and see if he likes it. Or, cover him with a blanket when he lays down and see if he stays under it. Or, see if he gravitates toward one of the radiators, if they’re on.
It may be even worse for Ares because he’s not a hairless cat. He’s used to all that thick fur to keep him warm, even in a warm place.
Shaving a cat in the winter, especially a long-haired one, can significantly affect its ability to stay warm.
A cat’s fur provides insulation by trapping a layer of warm air close to the skin. This is especially important for long-haired cats, as their thicker coats are naturally adapted to cold environments.
Without its fur, a cat loses this natural barrier and is much more susceptible to cold temperatures.
If the cat lives entirely indoors in a warm environment, the immediate impact might be less severe, but the cat may still feel discomfort due to drafts or cooler areas of the house.
Fur regrowth is slow, taking weeks to months, depending on the breed and individual factors. If the cat is shaved, ensure it stays warm indoors and provide additional warmth, such as cozy blankets or heated cat beds.
Consider a soft sweater for short periods if the cat tolerates it, but monitor closely for signs of stress or discomfort.
Cats rely heavily on their fur for thermal regulation, so shaving them should always be done with care and consideration of their environment.
They also have floor heating. So it’s warm from underneath as well.
But I will pass on your suggestion.
Thanks, but this is their topic, so I’m sure they’ll read it at some point.
The best pussy on VHTV
forgot to add 4 important letters to your comment ==*IMHO !!
Dont forget some like lips whilst others like zips
So I happily share the answer regarding Ares with you:
Мы очень любим Ареса. Мы много играем с ним и следим за тем, чтобы он был сыт, накормлен и счастлив. Но мы заметили, что с его шерстью что-то не так, и не смогли решить проблему только расчесыванием. Это беспокоило его, и он явно был недоволен. Теперь, после бритья, он получает больше удовольствия, он заметно активнее, счастливее и делает больше шалостей, например, лазает и прыгает. Если бы мы заметили, что ему холодно или некомфортно, мы бы обязательно сделали все, чтобы он чувствовал себя комфортно и тепло. Но ему нравится теплый пол, и он совсем не чувствует холода. Мы, конечно, продолжаем за ним ухаживать.
Rosy et Aleks vous etes de vrai amoureux des animaux j’aime bien cela