I am really kind of baffled and confused as to why he’s over there and hadn’t went back to his own apartment when he has a girl that does the same thing that Rose does but she also will take it up to Ass and he sitting up there, dick on hard Dreaming of what she’s not going to give him when he probably need to be patching shit up at his own place
Who do you mean? the friend of Aleks? he doesnt have an own appt… or a girl taking it up the ass
Rosys summer wardrobe contest 

Spring will arrive soon and like in many other places Rosy wants to tidy up, clean the apartment and get her wardrobe ready for summer.
But Rosy would not be Rosy if she does not have a special way to do that:
In the video below you can see (almost) all the clothes she has right now.
Here is Rosys special for you:
For each 5 likes this post gets she will get rid of one more item of clothing from her wardrobe.
And there is one more thing:
Make a suggestion for a naughty outfit she should go out in and on 2025-03-09T22:59:00Z she will pick the most creative suggestion.
The viewer with the most creative suggestion can determine one specific item of clothing she will get rid off and of course she will wear the determined outfit.
Rules for the outfit:
- She can’t go naked (Unfortunately this is not allowed)
- She does not like and wear underwear
This has Nothing to do with the current contest. It is just Rosys way to have some fan with her fans. The likes this post collects will have no influence on the contest in any way
Hi @Rosy ,
This treat spontaneously reminded me of Joe Cocker’s song
You can leave your hat on
So I miss the “Head-wear” in your closet, like this…:
… because for me that’s all it takes.
Hardly possible to go out in public like that for longer but she will try to go to a place not far from her like that. She likes the thrill of it
si elle voudrait prendre des photos avec de la neige faudrait qu’elle viennent chez moi mais un peut loin pour elle
With snow we need to wait for the next winter
il m’en reste en masse ici
summer’s coming.