Rockie & Rollie

I will remove it then as it doesn’t seem that popular for some. :man_facepalming: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Milan is not here so getting views from other way…:thinking::sweat_smile:

Come on Rollie invite Milan or someone… Rockie always having fun outside… :man_facepalming:t2: u can also have some too…:wink::sweat_smile:

         when Milan is here... ( fun - music - maybe sex )


         when Milan is not... ( only like desert - shhhhhhhh. silence ) 


Also naked roaming around and were doing party…. all night…watching movies but now nothing…. :confused:

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I don’t know who was who in the three girls that were there tonight. This is the first time that I’ve ever come into the realm and the participants didn’t show them as guests. But, the girl/girl session was as good as it gets. They didn’t thrash around pretending to be excited. They simply got down to business and stayed until both were happy. That was as near perfect to me as it will ever be. The two contrasting body types made the session very interesting and the fact that they were both beautiful made it even better. I hope that these three can become regulars on VHTV. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

I just now saw that the third girl there is Rollie. Wow! She is super cute. She’s a keeper for sure. I’d come to this realm regularly if she stayed and had guests like these on a regular basis.

As for the down vote, note that I mentioned that “I” like these girls and what I saw. When I see a realm that has no interest for me, it’s like magic. I go somewhere else and feel no compulsion to down vote. You might try it sometime. It makes one’s life so much better.


I’m not sure what you are removing, but what I saw tonight was great. Rollie is a really cute girl and her friends were wonderful.

this house really needs a big party or a sex party as the people above say. Yes, it was just established, but we were almost expecting something to happen in the first week.

Especially when Rollie and Guest Guy slept naked together and started walking around naked together. I waited for something to happen with Guest Guy and Rollie, but it was just teasing and I think all the viewers in this project are tired of teasing, which is how they act.

and they can if they want. Because I see such potential in Rollie, but unfortunately everyday only the same things happen. It is obvious why they are in the last place with 0% of votes in the 1st Poll.

:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: Simple Summary :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

We like Rollie too, but we don’t like to tease or do nothing or monotonous events. That’s why we criticize them - for their own good. Because they are not followed. We also love Rollie’s beauty but… :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2: :man_shrugging:t2:

Rollie is a certified stunner and I also wish for big things in this apartment, but it has been open for just over a week so I think we could have a little patience. It can be hard though when the girl obviously has such great sexual energy so I understand where everyone is coming from

The peasants here are revolting and I saw so much petty moaning, thinking that by doing so, will change something (word of advice it will not), that when something happened I would video it and upload it for them, but a load of pedantic negativity made me remove it. :slight_smile: :laughing:

Macy and yesterday’s Almira’s Fucker :thinking:

  • Ah! Pardon! “Almira’s Faker” (!)

ohh! and they came with their bags, probably like Milan lying here naked, naked getting up, naked walk for a few days, and they making a little bit, must have come to teasing :joy: :wink:


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per rollie un si :v:

Look like Almira’s teasing guy will gonna tease us for some days….:sweat_smile:

@GeoStudio Can the Cam 3 Living Room go a little lower (I think it must have been hit by the cat)

and Guest Room Cam 6 cabinet door closing camera :ok_hand:

I think cam 3 is fixed…

But cam 6 :sweat_smile: guest room

This apartment is a complete waste now they replaced the d__g guy with a moron who blocked the camera for going on could be 2 hours :man_facepalming::joy:

Lord and new teasing guy are here now…. Macy & Rollie left…:man_facepalming:t2::sweat_smile: