Rockie & Rollie


con cristallo lo ved :yum:rei bene a milan

looks like he is packing all his things.

camera 3 is not working probably because all of those damn blinking lights are :man_facepalming:

I did ticket…:wink:

he is a very strange character where it appears he does what he likes in other peoples apartments and where they say nothing to him as if they are frightened of him. Lets be honest a lot of things with him happen out of cam shot even sex

You can facepalm me all you like look at Jun 3rd with guest girl most of the sex on the loggia is off cam not sure what he is doing besides the sex, always messing with the cams and hiding so no one can see what he is doing in both apartments and doing what he likes. So you tell me what he is hiding

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it’s not about you mate - the real problem is we’re facepalming the house host

  • so as a “shame” to them, you’re actually right but not to you -

now someone will come out and say “you call everything teasing”

  • yes Rollie did teasing why is she walking around naked with Milan for 3 - 4 days
  • with lying naked - with sitting naked - with nude walks - with getting naked in the toilets - today Rollie sees Milan jerking and what - nothing

so it’s okay with you for example why we facepalm some of Torey’s posts

  • because they are doing stupid things they are fooling us - to get views

:+1:t2: :+1:t2: :+1:t2:

Surely it is easier to come out and just say we agree and that way no confusion with us

Personally I think the stigma against recreational d__gs like MDMA or a cheeky line of coke could be lightened up a bit. YES they shouldn’t be on camera but unless they are being a___ed (similar to how a_____l can be a___ed) I think we should let them live their lives

1000% agree mate.
It’s actually wayyyy more common that most people here seem to be willing to realise.

Cam 3 is still offlist after doing tickets

1 ticket response -

Good day,
We reported the problem and will work on fixing it as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconveniences caused.
Thanks for understanding!
Best wishes,
Voyeur House TV Support

After 2 tickets response -

Dear user, writing once would be enough, we have already reported the problem to the managers…. :sweat_smile::joy::joy:

But still not fixed…:sweat_smile:

don’t forget this is macyssens group :joy:

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He’s the manger of most of these apts.


in so much they’re not being watched, :man_facepalming:t2:

  • they don’t even care about their own manager or VH doesn’t even care :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

who is the manager?

mia farrow dark GIF
When teasing didn’t work on viewers……:sweat_smile::joy::joy: