


Yes, I wanted to watch it but gave up due to the bad viewing.


The view was fine from cam 6


Yeah if you have binoculars :wink:


It wasn’t the best possible place, that’s true. But not like it wasn’t watchable at all

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Agree. What I wanted to say due to the not optimal location it went a bit under the radar for a threesome :wink:

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Well, now that the zoom in is much better, you can zoom in when you’re far away

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To be honest, i fell as___p way before it happened :rofl: :rofl:


No, true and I did watch a bit but much of the action was obscured. Mind you, I didn’t know there is a zoom facility. How many years have I been on here :laughing:

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Just had a look - I assume zoom is the full screen option - which I did find after a year or so :joy:

No, the zoom is not the full screen option. You can zoom in by using the pad on your laptop. Or the screen if you use a mobile phone. I made a short vid to show you how clear you can see if using the zoom


But you will always lose quality as this is a digital zoom and makes the pixels bigger.

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Yes, that’s true if the distance is very big. But in this case it wasn’t needed to use a lot of zoom, so it was still ok for viewing

I think we can agree that the view is not optimal but I was glad to see that such a thing was possible seeing as before now it’s just been Aronya hooking up with other girls while Art has copped a few feels at max

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Many thanks John. Sorry to be pain - do you know how you do it on a pc?

Round 2 ??


Who are the names involved?

Aronya Art and guest girl jagoda

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Her name is Jagoda

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