
Bad pump. No flow…the wet was flowing hard and none to solve the problem. So sad…such waste!

i think the guy didnt want to have sex in front of cams, corlissa had sex with a guest guy in front of cams so i think its the guy that said to cut the cams

It’s 100% the guy. Most of the girls in the realm do stuff on cams (MOST NOT ALL) which is why they get invited back in the chance they do again with one of the guest guys or creepo or kiddo or gorch. It’s the guest guys who are usually the problem when it comes to moving/unplugging cams in realms where the age range of guests is younger I’ve found.

Can somebody tell me the name of the girl on the left?

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You could hear everything from the loggia. It didn’t sound all that exciting tbh.

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:joy::joy::joy::joy: my point exactly

I also think it is the height of hypocrisy for “spider girl” to run to the Living Room and jest to the group about your lack of performance after having sex for 27 unmemorable minutes to now nuzzle herself all 'lovey dovey" on the couch on the couch as though she had said nothing. Need to remember these are not ‘nice’ people.

Did she actually go tell them he was bad in bed? :joy::joy:

I think they are going for the third try in the bedroom!

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Fk sake Corlissa…:man_facepalming::exploding_head::exploding_head:


I think art just called n told her off

I think so too.

Yea, it’s seeming like a show being put on only for the cams as a kind of, i guess, make-up act. Yuk. I’m moving to a different realm at this point. Have no interest in watching two very unappealing people pretend to have sex because they feel like they have to. No thanks.

She doesn’t have a name. Never did something and more than likely, she never will

Not really. Excepting Verena, who doesn’t have problems having sex on cams, all the other ones do. Especially Corlissa :see_no_evil:

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Get those two out of the apartment.


Another cam with bad angle but this was obviously the fault of the guest guy.

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They did the same thing? They cut the cams to have sex?

No, they’re sleeping

Hi everyone, I haven’t been very active here but I noticed that Art isn’t in this kingdom. Does anyone know if he went on a trip or went to live in another kingdom?