That isn’t exactly what i was thinking that she can do with them lips
or replace the windshields on the bus.
Will they rename it to Laptop house now ?? Because checking the laptop is what they have been doing for quite a few days
Most likely, they were waiting for the change after bringing their stuff and deep cleaning the apartment. Let the parties start and the hot girls come
Though I do think Art and Ravenna was not contributing much apart from occupying the best room for sex and were a bit boring, the thought of Creepo leading an apt gives me nightmares
Hope that is the case but to me he looks addicted, like Gorch was with his mobile before leaving.
He’s using the laptop for communication. I don’t think he has a phone
I still don’t understand why you don’t like him. He never did something bad, he’s looking after everyone, etc…
I just don’t like creeps … from college onwards… who finds excuses to grope girls and who tries with friends chicks when when they have already rejected approaches. I appreciate him though. But the laptop thing is not because I don’t like him. He is hooked on it for sometime even when they were having parties. Imagine visiting someone and the host hooked to a laptop the whole time. It’s boring. That is why I have stopped watching. Nothing to do with how I feel about him.
I just explained to you why he’s using the laptop. He doesn’t have a phone
Maybe they are moving to another apartment in Finna let on either both guys or one of the guys have this apartment. I’m hoping.
I hope that both boys and Corlissa will stay here
Agreed…sc… is the wost. Respect !
Family reunion?
So if he had a phone we would be starring it every waking hour ? Btw first few days he was watching squid games … not using it for communication
The only thing that I have an issue with him about is when it comes to some of the girls and he just doesn’t understand no or stop if he can’t get none from them, he will And try and try
Can we get precious in on that request as well
Off course he will have used the phone a lot. That’s how they communicate, no ? And off course that he’s going to use the laptop to watch movie or play some games. That’s also normal
new guests
Although I agree with you on Scott, but you have to admit during that time frame he was pretty much number one for me as far as the rooms that I made sure to watch cause there was always something happening there whether been somebody was cheating on a boyfriend and a girlfriend, something was always happening there And that’s what I miss