
Is there a way to reply to a post so that the conversations are not all mixed up with responding to a post. For example I make a comment someone replys to it it
it comes up under that comment instead of finding the reply way down in the
post somewhere else

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Doing like this???

Edit: humm weird seems the system auto-delete the quote. I don’t know if it’s what you are asking, but on messarge box, at left side of B (Bold) there is a balloon that copy the message

I wont show the quote when you directly reply to a post. When there are other posts made there will be a link to the post…

So you can’t insert a reply under a post say from yesterday?

Sure just. Click on reply…

There you go

I replied on first post now. And you will see you can jump to the post I replied to

so when I click on the reply tab within the post it doesn’t reply directly under that comment is that correct? If not then whats the purpose of having a reply tab there if u have to go back and search for comments made to certain posts.

But if other members reply before me then I end up 2 or 3 posts down the page,i want my reply in the same"box" as your post

thats what i’m trying to get at

If i reply to you now you can see two reply buttons 1 on the left and 1 on the right. click on the left one and you can see all the replies there made on that comment.

Or you can highlight the persons text and click either “Quote” or “Reply” button and you will display the persons message like I have done with yours here.
Is this what you are referring too?

yes that is correct

A ken diddly whit yir oan aboot, goany no make it si hard a jist wanna git ma reply richt unner yours, ma heid’s fair nippin👍

Oan yer wee fudge if ye hod yer finger doon oan a wurd is hoo ye hi-licht it. An ye kin moov tha wee arries oan eether side o tha wurd tae streech it oot tae the hale quote or pirts I it. :+1: :crazy_face: