
Anybody else missing Rejolda?


Missing what? Her countless days of an empty apartment because she’s at porn shoots? Nope.

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banana GIF

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Nope she was never home anyways.

I miss her, she was fun to watch, she could keep herself busy, with her right hand. She can come back to me.

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I’m missing her so much, we are not texting, she gone to the Saint-Petersburg🥺

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i miss more Alisa :wink:

You were very sexy together pity that communication seems to have slowed/stopped. :slightly_frowning_face:

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Maybe you could invite her to your house sometime, you were nice to see together

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It’s not possible, she said that we are not friends already.

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I guess she moved on in life but it’s never good to let old friends down. I understand you are frustrated about that.

Sorry to hear the end of a friendship, how about the other young beauty you have had visiting in the past?

We initially tried to build very strong, trusting and healthy relationships. Rejolda had already stopped communicating with me, and I respected it and now I respected her decision too. Ma aybe we’ll see each other and understand that this is not the end, but I’m sure that we both will be good♥️


Well good attitude. I am sure you will find new friends :wink::+1:

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Thank you! Of course😉

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we decided to have more monogamous relationship.

mir war ne süße maus

I certainly am missing her! Wish she would come back!

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I don’t feel that Rejolda has made very good decisions. I can’t watch her porn videos…they’re not very good, and her self-esteem is low. She will call you when the tears come, and I’m sure you will comfort her.

Well I agree with @Cody_USA but yes. She was my other favorite besides @KristyKrabs. Two of the cutest along with Agnia