Raslan & Ballerina


A sad debit of current porn is that too many guys now see choking their partner as a key element of sex. If it were so crucial to orgasmic delight, why don’t we see guys wanting their partner to choke THEM? I see many women immediately losing libido when choked. Let me know if you find one who insists, “No, I LOVE being choked!”

I saw girls leading their guy’s hand to their throat, meaning to me that they obviously wanted to be choked. I have to think of an individual moment, that was recorded, can’t tell of the top of my head.

I for myself agree with you, I don’t see a use besides total obedience and submission, which sometimes is in the nature of some folks, even on VHTV as it seems.

Bottom line, to everybody what everybody wants or needs, as long as it’s consent and legal. JMO

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Whatever it is it looks good to me it looks like some sort of pizza :yum:








Yeah, it’s the submission, and of course the guys typically don’t want to be submissive. If you were to seek out some evidence of a woman “wanting” to be choked (i.e., wanting to submit, whether to please her mate or for personal fetish), I’d bet you’d be hard-pressed to find evidence of a guy similarly wanting to be choked, unless in a scene of auto-eroticism that often leads to accidental suicide. In the present case, Ballerina doesn’t seem to be “wanting” or enjoying it—the typical and reasonable response of most women.

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Carotid sinus syncope: This type of syncope can happen when something pinches or constricts the carotid artery in your neck. The carotid artery is a blood vessel that supplies your brain. This type of fainting can occur when someone wears a very tight collar, stretches or turns their neck too much, or has a bone in their neck that’s pinching their artery.

Or, obviously, if someone is restricting the carotid artery by choking. And, as stated in Wade’s post, it can lead to death.

(Syncope is the medical term for fainting or passing out. It refers to a relatively sudden loss of consciousness, followed by a spontaneous rapid and complete recovery (or, not—my comment).)

Damn, what a bed hog! If he’s going to sleep like that, they should switch positions.


Thanks for the medical specifics. As you likely noticed, Ballerina rose up immediately after she pried his fingers from her throat, even as he was ejaculating in his hand, and then she clearly felt faint and almost passed out. I thought at first that she just stood too fast, which can upset blood flow to the brain, but as you say, the choking was just as likely the cause or could have worsened the effect.

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I agree 100%.

And she told Raslan, and he will supposedly remember that for next time they have sex.

As far as men being choked, I can tell you that Mirta is doing it to Henry, and he seems to have no objections. But he is “different” to begin with.

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Yes, Henry is quite clearly a man apart.