Raslan & Ballerina

Are they moving into yuneska and radus place ?

Ahaha no that would be a bit crowded there. No they have their own of course.

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Off course i haven’t watched much. It was sad enough what i seen at first. As i said, they have nothing in common with each other and also with this project. Pure CB work but without any “talent” for it.

That’s a long business trip they will be looking for a company car next :rofl: :rofl:

The reason for the move is similar to why Draca & Pyro had to move: Problems with plumbing.

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I am so tempted at this point, to start making jokes about unblocking Raslan and Pyro’s pipes but I really am not that immature so I won’t! :laughing:


It really makes me wonder how much of a difference is this apartment and Jordan and Morgan?

That’s a very weird comparison to make when there is nothing in common between the two places and people… :roll_eyes:

How diplomatic. Well, I kind of expected it. So what makes Jordan and Morgan better? You don’t write comments like that to them. Is it because she’s blonde and you like her? Because the entertainment is similar, maybe worse.

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I think you totally misunderstood my comment. You know that moment when you have a job that you don’t like, colleagues that you don’t resonate with and you go there because you need it but don’t really want to be there and count the minutes until you finish and go home ? This is how they look to me, as being in the wrong movie and place.

Again, no answer like a man. I don’t care what you tell me, I have my own company, and if I don’t want to be with them, they get fired. But what’s BETTER about Jordan and Mogan versus this apartment still hasn’t come out of you? The answer to the basic question is going to be about nothing again?

The discussion who is better or worse is pretty stupid. It is always subjective and each viewer likes something different. The fact that both places remain online show that both have their fans…


I agree but when he didn’t like something about me he immediately tried to reprimand me in some way. But now he’s beating around the bush. He writes anything here just so he doesn’t have to comment like a man.

Try not to read too much into John’s thoughts. He will always be set in his ways, sometimes it’s positive when he likes a realm and then other times he will call them completely manufactured just for this website. I do like when he is positive but it can be a bit tiring when he flaunts his “insider knowledge” or makes his judgement using something even more concrete, his own intuition! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

You simply don’t understand what i’m saying. I can’t compare the two places because there is nothing similar to compare, it is that simple. Totally different situations ( you have a long time married couple and two work colleagues). How to compare the two when there is nothing similar ?

I think each place is different from others so we can’t compare them… This discussion is like beating a dead horse. Tastes of people are different. Both places have the right to exist.


Well yes when I wrote well I admit quite rudely that Jordan and Morgan are useless so he could go crazy with the comments. He sent me a slammed door and here when I ask him he just doesn’t answer normally.

As I said none of them are better or worse. It always comes down to personal taste. We know which place John prefers…

Look, i’ll explain it one more time: You compare (or have the same expectations) from two totally different places: one where you have a normal life married couple with the other where you have two people united as a “couple”, working together and delivering (better said trying) entertainment CB style. How to have the same expectations or compare the two places when there is nothing similar ? You can’t, that’s what i’m trying to tell you. Totally different content places.

All right, where do you get your certainty about who’s married and who’s not? Maybe they’re here to make money for the wedding. Even if that’s the case, the basis is the same. Two people in an apartment or a house and you’re wriggling out of it all at once! They both had visitors etc. But stupid here but good at Jordan’s?

yeah, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but at least Ballerina has bigger balls than Morgan and she’s not afraid to be topless in front of her friends.