The shooting?!
led to the shooting? I don’t understand what you mean…
what don’t you understand?
If you write correct sentences which make sense people will understand you
Ballerina schick Raslan ins bett dann hast mehr platz mit den Gast auf dem Sofa
aber so hast balt KEINE zuschauer mehr
Do I find her head position a little suggestive: Yes
Does it mean anything will happen: No and nothing needs to happen (I wouldn’t mind if something did though )
Looks like she is on her rags anyway so maybe a quiet couple of days
I hope these’s pics are okay enough though it’s ten days old since Billa and Bong showed up I was watching in the moments section Billa and Ballerina beautiful smiles caught my If you guys want me to delete this post I will I don’t want to get into trouble since it’s old
Did someone seriously give them those names?!!
I don’t know who gave them those names I like the name Billa though she’s super cute
I am sorry, I just found the names amusing…and a tad weird!
they sure did , look at bottom of this list Participants, their pets & significant guests (New Directory) - Wiki - Voyeur House TV Forum
They are visiting relatives. Will be back in approx. 4 days…