Raslan & Ballerina

The shooting?!

led to the shooting? I don’t understand what you mean…

ejaculation :joy:

what don’t you understand?

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If you write correct sentences which make sense people will understand you :wink:

Ballerina schick Raslan ins bett dann hast mehr platz mit den Gast auf dem Sofa
aber so hast balt KEINE zuschauer mehr



Do I find her head position a little suggestive: Yes

Does it mean anything will happen: No and nothing needs to happen (I wouldn’t mind if something did though :sweat_smile:)

Looks like she is on her rags anyway so maybe a quiet couple of days :person_shrugging: :slightly_smiling_face:

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It would be nice to have a threesome…we love Balleriana. :heart_eyes:

He can touch his back for now. :laughing:


I hope these’s pics are okay enough though it’s ten days old since Billa and Bong showed up I was watching in the moments section Billa and Ballerina beautiful smiles caught my :eyes::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: If you guys want me to delete this post I will I don’t want to get into trouble since it’s old


Did someone seriously give them those names?!!

I don’t know who gave them those names I like the name Billa though she’s super cute :star_struck:

I am sorry, I just found the names amusing…and a tad weird! :blush:

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they sure did , look at bottom of this list Participants, their pets & significant guests (New Directory) - Wiki - Voyeur House TV Forum


Are these moving out ???


They are visiting relatives. Will be back in approx. 4 days…

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