Quo vadis VHTV in 2024?

Still a thing they should have adapted to be by now.

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Again. They had a lot of time to adapt and move to countries where it’s perfectly legal… Lame excuse.

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It was alleged a few years back that VH used to award annually the apartment with most clicks. One winner was Alan and Nina I believe. Haven’t heard of anything since.

Yeah that was a long time ago…

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There is another possibility which the absence of any senior management involvement to date may or may not confirm namely that for legal reasons VH deliberately keeps an arms length relationship with the managers, bearing in mind the historical ‘Y’ word debacle.

Therefore any approach to any manager forum (were one to be created) would have to be handled with discretion etc.

It was no fun watching VV die of financial starvation as subscribers abandoned it.

We are right therefore to do what we (you) are doing as I think we would all miss VH were it to close.


Well VHTV started with the approach to be better as VV but at the moment as nothing happens and no progress is seen at all they seem as lazy and not caring as VV was.

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It would be interesting to compare the RLC business model with VH. There were I think a couple of RLC refugees to VH in the past but I think the flow might have ceased. No point in speculation as facts are what is required but the RLC ‘product’ appears to be a bit more polished. Brand loyalty has to be earned.

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It’s probably the landlord who offers a furnished rental apartment. It’s one less thing for the managers to worry about.

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I would say you have achieved the original topic aim. The fact that the CEO has not engaged is possibly because he is unable to do other than maintain the VH arms length relationship with the managers although there must have been some involvement when VH was being designed. Or it could be that he is bound by financial constraints especially with a reducing customer base (if correct). Admittedly this is speculation but if I am correct then the debate will have achieved little other than to record our views.
What I take away from here is a general agreement on the need for better cams, more interesting locations and the desirability of subtitles (or a translation service on request payable if needs be).
What could be useful is to assess whether there is any appetite to pay more for a better service?

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Immer noch keine Antwort seitens VHT, traurig

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Two questions,

Is there actually a website plugin that can translate live?

How much do you suggest that this would cost should it exist and can be enab__d on the website?

Jabs will know more about this being a techie but I know that english/american software exists for television as I have watched it on a local english news channel. Not up to much admittedly but better than nothing.
I believe there is also a VH subscriber who has bought one of those portable devices that translates. The one I saw advertised was about $100 unless it was a scam. However, I am well out of my knowledge comfort zone here.
I also know having been told by a tenant that the majority of what is spoken is niff naff and trivia and boring but given say when Flora and Dennis were exchanging rubbish bags, the dialogue would have been as entertaining as the visuals.

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I am convinced with today’s tech and the relatively bad audio quality of the cameras and if there are more people speaking it will be impossible to translate live. However it will be possible translating a recorded piece of video with existing software and technology.

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ich würde mir keine Gedanken darüber machen,weil es VHTV und die super Manager nicht interessiert

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I for one would be prepared to pay VH extra for this.

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It’s simply not possible to do it live. No matter how much you will pay.

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But maybe on replay on request or not?

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You can translate that yourself with the right tools.

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People would be shocked to realise how all that money would be thrown away. 99.9% of the talk is pure uninteresting boring chatter. You would be even more surprised at how work-connected everything is in these apartments. You would lose all the charm of imagination.

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Still no statement from @VHTV_James :thinking:

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