Purgatorium đŸ’©

I think there is a diffrence between describing someone having chunky legs and actually calling them chunky legs. I assume you have put me in the “Mr sensitivity fan club”. though I thought my comments were quite reasonable and respectable, and not slagging as you suggest.

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No, you are cool and I have no issue with you in the slightest. I do however have an issue with hypocrisy when certain posters presume moral grounds when they have no legs to stand on as they themselves have slagged people off in those fan club threads for many months, so forgive me, but I really do not give a toss about their opinions.

Whew! :laughing: Yes, I know what you mean :+1:

Would you be in the Mr sensitivity fan club then as well? You seemed to take offence to Bella being called duck face. I do not see how that is any different from you calling Indira Chunky Legs. It seems to me neither term would be the best name to call someone.

Maybe because you were calling Indira Chunky Legs in a more joking manner and the person who was calling Bella a duck face was doing it to be mean?

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Well, that’s your opinion and respected but not agreed with. :slight_smile:

One was maliciously directed towards her in a place that she could read it and possibly be upset by it, mine was made in a comedic sense with no malicious intent whatsoever. :slight_smile:

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And what’s your opinion of Kostja’s nickname. As you recall in the question to @jabbath1987 and @VHTV_James there was no distinction made between Indira’s and Kostia’s nicknames made by @anon31605929 for both of them, as being derogatory and insulting.

Is it an insult to call Kano flatline, because everytime he tries to fuck marica he can’t get hard

Come on you guys where is your sense of humour and sense of proportion.
I can most certainly find much worse comment on tenants made by most of you no doubt so just don’t come on here being all high and mighty about a conversation @anon31605929 and i had in a light hearted moment for gods sake.
No one seems to worry about the comments Tata gets and if you are really that sensitive you would have pulled many up about her, including myself, and how about all the comments about Troy then to name just two? Yet you all can slag off Tejo and that’s ok i assume :rofl:
You are all being just hypocrites when it suits you are you not?
Just because you want to put Indira & Kosja in your fairy story minds much like the Nina & Kira saga.

Looks like I will have to pull up all your comments and start flagging them
 :joy: :rofl:

What probably happens is that people, after getting fed up with seeing a_____lics, perverts, sexually obsessed, porn actors etc., when they see a couple that seems really in love (Nina & Kira or Indira & Kotsja) they become protective. At heart we are romantics, there is still hope for us. :grin:

Ohhh you nasty bugger :rofl: You carry on pal i could do with a laugh, mind you i may take offence and throw all my rattles out the pram :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Rather a good description of the participants i must say. I hope that won’t be classed as insulting as most of that could be describing the members as well :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Holy Hell, don’t flag mine. VH would kick me off for a few months

You’re right, they’re going to crucify me. :pleading_face:

It’s ok you’re safe it’s past Easter now. :laughing:

like millet I guess tomorrow is easter

Would people mind if we carry this on in the off topic thread as this really hasn’t got anything to do with this part of the forum? :slight_smile:

I did not get the fuzz about it at all :joy:

I picked the wrong people to have a joke with it you get my drift :laughing:

Right let’s deal with this as I said to you my posts were made in a humourous sense with no malicious intent whatsoever; however Bercee, you have a long history of doing what you are accusing, along with malicious intent and I suggest you get your own hypocritical house in order before you start accusing others of this as you have zilch moral standing here.

Let’s look at your posts shall we:

Mira & Henry (Part 1) - #9169 by Bercee
You invent things against Tejo in a campaign of hate towards him by making up rubbish which was later disproved by Henry and a Russian speaker, which in itself is amusing as you have repeated that you can speak Russian, which seems a lie otherwise you wouldn’t have fabricated such wild accusations.

I could go on and on and on, but you get the point, put your own house in order first and stop this malicious hate campaign against Tejo & Jirina