Purgatorium 💩

You naughty boy :upside_down_face:

I am a tad concerned that I might have helped this all get moved to here…that was NOT my intention.

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Noticed that too. I’m sure the boys were not expecting that.

Yeah well some moment operators tend to have their own agenda David.no matter anybody else, you will get to realise that in time :roll_eyes:

This forum is getting like treading eggshells , I use forums for sense of humour firstly then topic as a second thought , if anybody mentions me I answer likewise , Amy3 seems to have a different agenda . :shushing_face:

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Everybody has their own views Froggy just that some are more tolererated than others.

Well I am not getting involved in the name blame game (oooh poetry!), just that my own involvement wasn’t intended the way it seems to have gone. I have enjoyed the forum banter and that’s all it was meant to be.

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If I have a agenda is one called fairness. I have issues with the way vhtv conducts it’s business and have issues with the manner in which certain people can get away with insulting certain tenants and members, but then when others say similar things they get moderated. A forum should be a level playing field for individual expression not a good ole boys club of like minded overlords, who have the power to shut down voices that they don’t like.

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Name and shame or zip it because it upsetting normal members just for your own agenda as you stated LEVEL PLAYING FIELDS You can make far more impact with humour . :shushing_face:

Oh so you want me to just ignore what I think about stuff and adopt their ideas of fun and humor? I get it.

I can only go on what you write & 99% is putting down somebody but never naming them and i have yet to hear your sense of humour ever, so as i stated if you have a grudge let it out name & shame. conversation over Ms have a nice day .

Say what you want, but I’m not here to have fun with anyone necessarily. I know quite well where I stand with you all. I’m here to express my thoughts about all of this and maybe make people think. Go right ahead and do what you do. I’ll laugh when it suits me.

tbh i found it hilarious when amy got the 7 day premium thing off vhtv for that competition we didnt hear a thing from her now shes back as standard shes gone back to being troll :rofl:

Thought you said your weren’t going to post while I’m here. Back on the leash. Down! NOW! :grin:

One things certain you would never fill it pal :rofl:

Would you stop spying on me. :rofl:

GIF by Jomboy Media

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Why should ROB stop when you spy on everyone ? kettle calling pot ! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Just opened that gif Lol it should read Just_in has a smaller one :crazy_face:

Watching you watching me beware :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:

Oh you bringing the kettle into it again. :rofl: Pbs Nature Frog GIF by Nature on PBS