Purgatorium đŸ’©

The so called moderation of this forum is quite amazing! Seriously vhtv, take the fucking reigns always from these losers you have running it, who think they are in charge of your site and give them to someone who has no interest in turning your products into their personal club that serves their personal interests. And btw, what the fuck does @BusyBee do exactly?

Those metal butt plugs need to be well lubed cause if you don’t the metal tends to want to stick to the skin into your butthole and in the act of simple moving around it can tear at it and it hurts. Also, since it’s metal it’s not flexible and moving and sitting can become quite uncomfortable. It’s wayyyyyy better to get butt plugs that are flexible. Trust me on that one. I betcha Marcia knows what I’m talking about. Indeed! :kiss:

:thinking: I wonder what would happen if it were me talking about making videos what would happen. My guess is that in very short order my lil bitch would come along and do what lil bitches do best. :thinking:

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Now now Amy paranoia is getting the better of you i fancy, how be getting on these days then?

I imagine the proper response, is you’re not making videos without me in it

Good one! :+1:t2::rofl:

Think you are blowing this out of all proportion, no one tells me what i can and can’t post, never has and never will.
My postings have dropped off as so many posts are inane and uninteresting, nothing more nothing less as has the boring goings on with most of the participants.
It seems there are more posts now about the b___dy pets and a____ls, just how b___dy sad is that and even assigning names to them ffs :laughing:

Don’t tell me the pets and their names are more interesting than King Henry lol

Seems to be, we even get b___dy videos of them on here now :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I can understand the pet names, but naming the stuffed a____ls seems odd to me!

I’m not saying that anyone is telling you what to post, but there is no doubt that one’s ability to break the rules of the forum is entirely dependent on the closeness, or at best tolerance of jabbath. The rules only apply when he needs them to apply. This forum has become a drum beat of one persons personal enjoyment and tolerance. That’s how it is!

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You know, You don’t have to take part, if it bothers you so much you can Mute the topic and leave!

Thanks for the advice. I will take it under consideration. Actually, I don’t give a s__t. I’m just here to point out the flaws in the design. Feel free to put me on mute and then you’ll be happy. All you really have to do is wait a little while and everything I say will be pushed though jabbath’s asshole. Good day!

It is just sad that the Mute function is so limited in what it blocks.

Can’t help you there. Guess you’ll just have to have a little patience. They’ll ban me again soon enough and you’ll be able to rest in jabbaths warm arms again.

I volunteer to do a few videos with you so we can test your hypothesis. :laughing: :innocent: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Put it this way, if I decided to live in a voyeur site, my number one rule would be this. Never, ever look at any forum that hosted my content. Number two would be, never ever get into a relationship with anyone connected to the site or any forum. I would avoid telling vhtv anything they didn’t absolutely have to know because I know they would only hand those details down to others for some reason that wouldn’t serve my interests. Three, I would never sell my soul to a manager. It’s my life and I would never want to feel any sort of pressure from a manager. Then, after that I would set up my cams so that no cam could see any other cam. It would be a seamless view into my world as if the cams were not there. I would value the experience of the viewer and I would go out of my way to do everything I could to preserve what is supposed to be a voyeur experience, which in my opinion is a fly on the wall view. That is, I would act as if the cams were not there always. Lastly, I would go into this with the understanding that people are paying to see something sexy, interesting, controversial, dramatic, exciting, ever-changing, compelling, and sometimes just plain weird. I would expect my life to be worth watching on its on face or I wouldn’t do it. Above all else, I would hold myself above everything else. By that I mean that my highest priority would be that whatever it is that I did, that I would only do it because I wanted to do it and for no other reason. My main priority would be the preservation of the voyeur experience. You’d see the real me, uninfluenced by other members, managers, forum leaders, and even vhtv. So much of what vhtv has done to ruin this delicate genre is the exact opposite of what just said. They did it out of greed and their desire to beat RLC. They turned voyeurism into a camshow where managers exploit their friends and their friends friends into a selling their sex life for a cut of some money. There is rarely an effort to preserve the niche. It’s all about exploiting oneself for money. Vhtv turned voyeurism into Chaturbate with 24/7 stationary cams. They don’t value or respect the genre they are exploiting and they have ruined any possibility for real voyeurism. It’s all just a hustle for money and your time. The end!

It’s better not knowing. You’ll just end up another loser curator instead of a voyeur. Most of the guys left here see a naked woman and feel nothing anymore. Hell, some of them seem to have devolved sexually into a fascination of the tenants pets. Don’t be that guy. Who they are doesn’t matter. Get off on them and move on to live your life.

Yeah ok whatever