Purgatorium šŸ’©

@VHTV_James Whatā€™s funny about what I saidā€¦

Dunno, found it funny if you wished someone to shoot themselves because you lost your nerve.

then I think you are a person who never loses his temper who has never in his life said a sentence or a word that he did not really meanā€¦

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I think everyone loses their temper in REAL LIFE. But we are here in an internet forum. Here you should not be upset with halfway common sense, because a mouse click is enough and the browser is closed. After that you have peace.

I agree with you of course I also need to improve without losing patience right awayā€¦ :+1: :+1:

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I sometimes write myself angry, but I always read through what Iā€™ve written and then consider whether it really makes sense to send the crap off afterwards. And most of the time I click the cancel button because itā€™s just wiser to hold back sometimes. :wink:

Also, Iā€™m here because Iā€™m looking for entertainment. Arguing isnā€™t entertainment for me, itā€™s stress. So I just avoid it. I donā€™t always succeed, but more and more oftenā€¦ :slightly_smiling_face:


I should do it too write a message and then reread it even 10 times before sending itā€¦

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I have the same struggle as you have, might be our latin heritage(not trying to find an excuse), sometimes i manage to stop commenting and other times i donā€™t. I even tried to count up to a random number before i post :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil: :see_no_evil:

for me is and even more difficult than you who know English I before I answer I have to translate everything from English to Italian with deepl and then I always answer through translatorā€¦

you do very well mate considering english is not your first language

A great and beautiful message :heart: :rose: :v:t2:

same message from another angle

Itā€™s never going to change is it @VHTV_James? Itā€™s always going to be a forum for the good minded knee benders, who bow to those who stand on VHTV sponsored stilts. The guardrails will always be minded against those with different viewpoints and pleasure points. To disagree with your good stewards means sanction and marching orders. This forum is primarily in the shape of Jabbathā€™s attitude and judgement and it is he who defines what is acceptable to think and say. There is a leash around every members neck and its length and collar type is predicated on oneā€™s closeness to him. Your forum is not really a product that fairly highlights the activities of your business nearly as much as it is Jabbathā€™s personal club that he and his like minded cronies, maintain for you, but really for his own selfish purposes and you accept it because itā€™s easier and less expensive for you. But, in the end, thatā€™s what it truly is. And because of this, your scope will always be limited to his level of acceptance, his level of enjoyment, and his level of tolerability. If you ever hope to expand beyond these romper room, kindergarten boundaries, youā€™re going to have to knock down their pedestals and create a level playing field for all members that is moderated by objective, VHTV focused staff, who cater not to their own personal whims, but to the growth of your business interests. I hope one day that you realize your potential and actually cater to the mindset of the voyeur public at large.


Hi Amy,hope you are well.Whilst i take on board what you are saying i have said many times on here and CC that it is purely and simply how big a part in your personal life VH and itā€™s staff and comments etc etc play.Personally VH is merely a sideline for me therefore who says or does whatever is irrelevant and quite frankly they can say or do what they want,it plays no part in my real life.You have fought long and hard for what you believe in but seriously why bother.live your life and forget about all this.


Art Animation GIF by Will Kim

For sure, and by in large I have. I didnā€™t even look at this for a month or so. I can live without it. I just think itā€™s a shame that it is the way it is and I guess that has bugged me for a long time and I like to make a point of it frequently. I get it. Iā€™m not welcome inside of Jabbathā€™sā€™ head and thereā€™s no way for people like me to really exist here. So many other members here have been bounced already. It will only ever be what Jabbath wants it to be and itā€™s members will only be who he deems acceptable. Itā€™s all so predictable and rather boring really. Yay, letā€™s hear Sparkles tell us again how the tenants are nothing but slaves to a sex thug manager who is exploiting them. Meanwhile Jabbath befriends the tenants to glean the inside track on their lives so he can serve it up to you guys to make himself appear superior to you. Oh no! Donā€™t go out of his bounds or else you get s__t out through his asshole here. Blah blah blah, yay! Maybe one day VHTV will grow some balls of their own and cut theirs off and actually be a voyeur site that treats its members equally regardless who they are or what they do for them. I doubt it, but I guess there is always hope.


@VHTV_James you locked it.

You cannot be trusted not to share information about other peopleā€™s accounts with others. You just recently did this to the James Dean account. How many other accounts have you told Jabbath are really so and so? Or clarified that so and soā€™s account are not clones of other accounts? Be honest, how many times have you shared this information with him?

I can easily do it and justify it when people do attack the community with multiple accounts creation. When you do it, you enter the public space. I will fight those publicly.

IDK, zero? You really think we chit-chat regularly or/and discuss forum members? Sorry, but I donā€™t have time for that, my PMs are total mess here.

you can share what you like about me and my account except my bank details lol as for everything else well my wife as passed away .so no trouble from that quarter and as for my kids they know there dad is a dirty old fuka thats why theres 5 brothers and 6 sisters :rofl: :rofl:

At least you admit to sharing information about others accounts to other members. Donā€™t be so coy about your relationship with Jabbath. He used to routinely share information that you provided to him with me. I know how these things go down and how information gets shared behind the veil.

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