Purgatorium đŸ’©

Just leave things where they are. No one really cares that much. What you guys are doing is lame and unnecessary. Just stop and everything will be ok.

And now it’s all out of order and makes no sense at all. Congratulations!

Well this is fucking great my posts gets moved fucking here yet people can say abour the disgusting comments in the thread and it gets not removed.

That’s what happens when you give people a little bit of power it just goes to their heads.

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Exactly! Power gone to their heads and all they are really doing is fucking up the natural flow of the threads. A lot of the moved comments have some relevance to what is happening in the apartment topic and removing them wreck the flow of the conversation.

Bascially what these forum tyrants are doing is this. The logon to the forum, see comments from peoploe that they don’t like or things that they personally don’t like and then they start moving comments from that area of the forum that they are in. Now, they don’t exactly have time to scour the entire forum for such comments so it always just a little here and there. Then they check their own intertests and they leave.

They are not content moderators, if they were, they would be fair and even handed and they would be thorough. They are none of the above. They are biased and driven by personal animosity towards others who are not close to them.

VHTV doesn’t want to do the job, so they allow them to run roughshod over the forums as if they own it and WE have absolutely no recourse whatsoever becasue VHTV needs someone to do the job and they don’t want to hire an actual employee to do it.

It’s nice to see all of the self-proclaimed “elite” of this forum gathered here. And it reassures me that most of them are on my ignore list.

Thanks to @Bluewinner and @Jabbath1987 for their work. :+1:


Get off your high horse you bum licker

Kissing ass is one way to get higher up the ladder I suppose. They love them some ass kissing.

@Bluewinner why is this comment being moved to the s__thole? You guys are getting to ridicuous.

Am confused, how would you know certain ones are here if they are on your ignore list? Just asking :laughing:

Cause it’s not good enough to just ignore people they don’t like, they must destroy them. The best chance to do that is to work their way up the ladder of friendship and then they can get things done.

I like my idea where I think the moderators should be identified as Content Moderators, and then they are only allowed to move posts that have been flagged into hidden mode.

They are very clearly just moving posts they personally don’t agree with or members they they personally do not like.

There certainly seems to be much more of moving posts recently i must admit and many of those i have read certainly don’t seem to justify them being moved. Most certainly a bias somewhere.

No, they are just being pricks. There was a break period where they stopped doing it and things here were so much better, then something changed and now they back with a vengeance doing it again.

Well ask yourself since what time the posts get moved and this started :wink:

Got no idea don’t keep track of things that seriously unless the interest takes me.
Care to enlighten me?

The implication is that it started when I came back, which is not true. I was banned for a month and they continued to do the same thing, just to other members that aren’t in their friend circle. The fact is that to belong here and be welcome, you have to follow the leaders, think like them, like what they like, and post they way they post, otherwise you’re a nobody and can be put down easily. VHTV says nothing and let’s them run roughshod of this forum cause they need them.

Notice that they have so much power over this forum that they don’t even have to explain themselves or defend their actions. They just do it and say fuck you, deal with it you worthless nobody. I rule here peasants!

By that implication i must be on shaky ground then, must watch out for the trip wires :laughing:

It started when ToreyK started to attack and insult people. After he got silenced the forums calmed down. Now Kyla-La is back and the whole Forums is a big mess again.

You really can’t deny that. Even when these people as they always do confuse the principle of cause and action and depict themselves as the victims

I think it’s fun to interact with the participants