Purgatorium đŸ’©

Do you want me to flag them for you?

No. please don’t.

If anything moving day old posts now really just highlights them cause there’s a lot of people who check the s__thole for interesting stuff. Usually there is some context to the off topic post and now the flow of the actual thread is broken and makes not sense.

Well then why are you only moving MY posts? Well, I mean posts that I’m a part of. Aren’t you just targeting me?

I let you figure it out on your own.

Enlightening! Not really.

What happened to this Bluewinner?

Here is your answer :

Maybe according to YOU. What makes you the decider of that? You’re really just a operator. Where does it say you are a forum moderator?

Our Moderators


VHTV Support

Videos Archive RequestsModerators


Moments Operator

Go make videos. You’re not supposed to be a forum moderator.

@VHTV_James Why are Video Archive Request Moderators moderating the forums for content when according to your About section only @kaya is the forum moderator? What authority do that have to do this even if they have the power to do it? If you’re going to permit them to moderate content then you should say so on the About page.

I changed my title so you won’t be confused :wink:

So selfish you didn’t even notice some of my posts got moved too.

There has been a lot of off topic posts being selectively moved here. As a Leader it is your job to by fair and unbiased with your decisions. If you are going to move off topic posts to the :poop:-hole please move all of them there.

Playing favorites only creates a toxic environment and dissent within the forum, which is what I believe you are trying to prevent.


Nope, didn’t help Video Archive Request Moderator - Leader


Videos Archive Requests](/c/archive-requests/7)Moderators



Exactly! But they won’t, just the ones connected to yours truly! I’m so special.

I just want VHTV to identify them as Content Moderators if they are going to be moving other people’s posts around based on their opinion that they are off topic. The way I see it, they haven’t been given that authority by VHTV even though they have the tools to do it.

You’re also just a Wiki Moderator. But you’re not a Content Moderator.





I turn a blind eye if it’s a one off, and it does not completely steer away the discussion from the main topic. when the off-topic takes over the main discussion it has to be moved to avoid reader’s frustration. people go to certain topics to get info or discuss a point about what’s happening in that apartment topic / other topic. Not everyone has unlimited time to waste on reading personal attacks and unrelated babbling . it’s done to keep the forum tidy , readable and enjoyable for everyone.

It’s funny to me how there are 7 moments operators and almost none of them post in the forums very much except for Jabbath and yet you are going to decide what content is acceptable and what is not. You hardly even post in it so why do you need to exert your power over the forums? Why? There are off topic posts all over the place that stay right where they are. It seems to me that what really happens is the moment operators target the people they don’t like for whatever reason and yes often the posts are off topic, but still the fact that it’s not evenly done across all members just proves your biased. You should not be content moderators. That job should be strictly left to official VHTV employees.