Purgatorium đŸ’©

@VHTV_James You’re really going to allow Jabbath to move posts around like this? He is moving posts that are on topic and aren’t insulting. He’s just moving posts because he personally hates me. You’re really ok with that?

Look, I got punished. You banned me for some time. I did my time. Why is Jabbath allowed to punish me too based on nothing more than his personal animosity towards me? I get it, he is a the leader here and he has a lot of underlings who follow him and they all hate me and they demand that he clean people like me out for so that they can enjoy a pristine forum of their liking, BUT, is that really how you want this forum to function? There is going to only be ONE way of being allowed to exist here? Is this really what you want?

because you wrote something bad about his best mate henry

vhtv is more likely to respond if you send a pm

They probably won’t talk to me ever again. They’ll probably ban me again just for tagging them here. They have Jabs back solid. He clearly has free reign to do as he please here. Know this though, if he can do it to me, he can do it to you.

I said a few years ago in CC that I couldn’t for the life of me understand why some members get so upset by Amy. Now if all his “haters” lived for instance in the same country and had proper meet ups with him, got to know each other and then maybe decided that you don’t really like each other fair enough that’s how you build or unbuild relationships but to sit behind laptops etc, and slag each other off over continents/long distance doesn’t make sense to me.As far as I’m concerned he’s controversial but interesting and I like reading what he has to say and as long as he doesn’t personally insult me or my family directly it’s cool. Jmo.

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Hi pal, never had any problem with Amy either to be honest a bit forthright sometimes but all good debate surely.

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Hi Rob, I think we are just made of sterner stuff than some on here and really taking what’s said on here personally suggests to me that they don’t have much else to bitch about.

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Thanks Dave. I know that I can be a real bitch and a half, but most of the time it when the authorities are towering over me. In truth I ebb and flow I all directions. I don’t have any problems with getting sanctioned when I go too far, but what seems to be happening is that I’m being sanctioned or even existing. I guess I don’t understand why VHTV is allowing Jabbath to punish me at his whim because he and his group of friends hate me. If they want to make it so all members have to pass Jabbath’s test of acceptability then they should put that in the rules for joining. The thing is that no matter what anyone says, all anyone really has to do is just leave it alone and wait a while and it will get buried in the past. This constant needs to create a pristine world that honors and cherishes the talent only s___fs it out. There has to be a rough edge for people to rub against.

Thanks Rob! You’ve always understood me so well. Appreciate it. :heart:

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@Amy I know a lot of trannies and I don’t have any problems with them, in fact I love them to death and they are all super happy, but you have serious problems (in your private life), why are you venting here on the forum?

What have I said that particularly bothers you? Rest assured that I am quite content with my personal life.

I’m happy for you but from what you write in the forum in every flat and against almost every person in the forum it doesn’t look like

I write all kinds of stuff. Some good, some bad, and some ugly. Deal with it!


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This guy joined in 2021 and has made 200 posts. He start live capping the events to his pleasure and you guys tackle him and treat him like s__t. That’s what “The Community” does here. No Jabbath, it’s not all good. It’s you way or else!

Well just like you he is not all bad either. People are a bit more complicated than all good or all bad are they not?

I don’t think he’s a bad person. Really I don’t. I know him better than any of you. But he has this streak in him that he thinks he know what is best for everyone else and because VHTV needs him to do work for them, he’s given the power and the tools to enf___e his will on everyone else. He does it because he really thinks that his way is the best way. So he demands obedience from everyone. Not always directly, but he certainly enables guardrails for everyone else to follow by. The evidence of that is clear in that there is so much other off-topic posts and even insulting posts that don’t get moved. The scale that everyone here lives under is one of how close are you to Jabbath. The closer you are to the top the more freedom one has to post anything they want. That’s really “The Community”. That’s really how things work around here. That’s also why this forum exists in the first place. His need for control because his view is what’s best and right. It’s a shame that VHTV gives someone like that so much power over their brand. Even the tenant and managers have to play along or else. Oh well, that’s what I think about it anyways. I’m sure I’ll get banned again. Lovely!

Oh come on now @Bluewinner what are you doing? Why?

All those posts are buried behind a days worth of new posts. Why do you care enough to go to the effort of moving my posts? I seem to remember you being the one that was ok with leaving things as they are?

Moving off-topic posts to its proper place.

But why do you care? You’re not moving everyone’s off topic posts.