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Good news for you, I will have my 3rd injection tomorrow with my wife.

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Scientific evidence that vaccines work came from development and phase 2-3 trials. This is already enough. But field trials of vaccines, which are now being carried out around the world, also show their high effectiveness.

The covididiots don’t understand what is the function of the vaccine and what is the main difference with vaccine and without

Well I guess soon rather all people will be vaccinated, cured or dead …

from your graph, you notice that the curve of daily deahs started to flatten end of february/early march before the vaccine compaign. So it has nothing to with vaccines.
Look at countries that started the vaccine compaign earlier such as Israel and the UK, now they are facing a surge in covid deaths.

That’s great. I am happy for you. It’s good that we can get it. Have to look after myself I can’t risk not being able to write nonsense here anymore and be a pain in the ass for everybody :rofl::rofl:

And who are the people dying, the vaccinated or unvaccinated?

Well now it’s getting colder, less sun means immune system is getting weakened and the not vaccinated people will get infected in rapid rate now.

Sure you can get infected when vaccinated but it’s not really bad then. Just stay some days in bed and all okay again. Just like a normal flu :wink:

In the U.K., 70 percent of the people who die now from COVID are fully vaccinated.
Source governement statistics

I just wanted to write about my place of residence is Israel,

The UK is some kind of an exception as they vaccinated with the Astrazeneca vaccine which was already at the beginning less effective and now proofed to be quite useless. It’s no longer used in Germany for example. Not sure if they still use it in UK.

I love that you ask questions (which may sound poignant to you). It’s even easier that way.
So, the first question - how is it that deaths began to decline even before the start of vaccination. It’s very easy - a hard lockdown led to it. Everyone sat at home and was allowed into the store one at a time. And now such measures are not being taken.

The second question - you suggest looking at the UK and Israel. Let’s see. And, most importantly, let’s compare the graphs of infections and mortality. And it will become clear that with infections, like a year ago, the mortality rate is much lower. This applies to UK. And in Israel, they began to vaccinate very quickly, but the percentage of vaccinated people froze at 65%. Which is not enough for a delta strain.

To summarize - everything that, as it seems to you, should confirm the uselessness of vaccines, on the contrary, confirms their effectiveness. You just need to understand that the vaccine does not guarantee you against illness, and does not even guarantee against severe disease or death - but it reduces the chances of all these troubles tenfold. That is, it brings the covid closer to the status of a common flu.

Wow thanks for that detailed explanation. :+1::grinning:
But in UK you also have to consider the quite bad Astrazeneca vaccine. It’s better than nothing but still inferior to Sputnik, Biontech/Pfizer and Moderna…

Я уже писал что Израиль вспышки из-за хасидов, они способствуют распространению вируса по всему миру.
About Vaccination. We have such as the orthodox “Hasidim”. Closed communities. So they spread the infection all over the world. The government is trying to vaccinate them, but it is not very successful.

The lockdowns are also a failure because jurisdictions that did not implement strict lockdowns such as Florida and Texas don’t have worse results compared to Jurisdictions with stricter lockdowns such as California. How do you explain this ?
Now Florida governor is laughing at other states that ruined their economies and caused more people to die from suicide and overdose for nothing.

They should try to shoot them with vaccinated arrows :rofl::rofl:

Я бы не списывал всё только на ортодоксов, тот факт, что при 60% вакцинации и наличии информации о дельта-штамме, израильское правительство сняло все антивирусные ограничения, говорит о том, что не только ортодоксы виноваты :slight_smile:

yes, like wild a____ls in the savannah

I am not going to read the whole report, please tell me the page of that stat.

I don’t think he read and understood it :joy: