Problemas técnicos se a caído la pagina

Se a caído completamente la pagina VHTV, no puedo abrir desde ningún navegador, solo esta funcionando el foro

Yep same here. 502 Bad Gateway. Maybe maintenance.
@jabbath1987 or @kaya You know something about it?

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Yes no access in the UK.

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Or did VHTV finally crashed. :thinking:

Really? it’s fine for me. I’m on the West coast of the UK. Maybe a different relay.

Yo estoy desde América latina y no funciona

Damn you have all the luck. :yum:

Its back guys. at least for me

Volvió a funcionar chicos, ya puedes seguir masturbandose :wink:

I wish. If that was true I wouldn’t be here watching this stuff, I’d be busy with a certain somebody (anybody would do right now) and you wouldn’t have to put up with me. :pensive:

I dont masturbate I have a woman for that. :yum:

hee your cool man. :+1:

Todos se masturban con pareja o no.

Unfortunately, we may be experiencing problems due to planned maintenance from our hosters side. Please accept my apologies for inconveniences if you face with timeline, archive, live streaming issues or site accessibility during next hour :pensive: