Previous participants (and guests) of VHTV

I thought it might be nice to reminisce about old apartments and previous participants we remember fondly. I will start this by remembering one in particular:

This was Patrik, a really fun loving participant messing about with a hair dryer after taking a shower! Just before this screen shot was taken he could be seen dancing and heard singing (well, sort of(!)) whilst showering.

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The black squares are a massive turn off.


Yes they are! I couldn’t really help it in this case as I wanted to include the VHTV identification marker, rather awkwardly placed, in this image.

Here is another one of my favourite ex-participants and it makes me rather sad to write that, in fact. Anyway, this is Jacob…
…Taken during one of his more relaxed moments. He may even be my all time favourite participant on the site, for reasons I will not go into, here. :slight_smile:

ich vermisse Milly. war immer spannend ihr zu zu sehen.

29 posts were split to a new topic: Guess the Participant Game

@jabbath1987 or @VHTV_James can the recent posts from this topic be splint into a another topic of a game of guess the participant so that it doesn’t detract from this topics main point.