Well lawsuits were mentioned, you mentioned about winning them is a different thing, last I checked, winning lawsuits against the titular person would therefore be relevant…
ok i agree with you on that, but filing a lawsuit proving doge is corrupt means nothing
I mean you have to appreciate that is NOT a good look for a government department to be labelled as corrupt immediately upon formation…and honestly its likely true. Given that it’s going to be used to profit Musk/Trump in some regard or another I’m sure.
difficult to say as the govt is inherently corrupt and DOGE is the first attempt to rectify the insane spending so i want to keep an open mind
That is fair enough.
nice to find common ground
curious as to your thoughts?
American politics are so fractured, and the democracy is incredibly flawed, it is basically voting for the lesser of evils. Neither party completely represents people, and that is where it fails. An elected official might represent 60% of the people, but they do not care what that other 40% want. They do not even try for that other 40%, regardless if he party that wins. They simply believe that since they won, they “know what is right” for the people. There are no winners in the general population in American politics.
Sure it swings back and forth but tends to move in the general forward direction. its it strange that some of our most successful leaders have been extremely flawed human beings.
What you say is mostly true. Where you are wrong is it getting force fed to people and children in the US. I have never cared if someone’s gay, straight, bi, cross dressing, whatever. It does NOT matter to me. I don’t just hate random people. I couldn’t care less about religion, race, sex orientation, any of it. Just who you are as a person.
It IS getting forced on people in the states. Its being taught in schools, and even promoted in some places. Like its a new “trend”. The things that some parents and schools push on kids is absurd. No kid feels right or normal in their body until at least adolescence. There is literally parents of children under 10 claiming their child is transgender. Its flat out child abuse.
Of course there are assholes in the world who hate. There always have been, and probably always will be unfortunately. But to paint anybody who is a conservative or republican as racist homophobes is exactly why democrats lost the election.
They never have an answer for that one…
Then let me reply. They seemingly do not have the right to exist without hate. Without their very existence being mocked, belittled or otherwise treated with contempt.
That is not true, Trans can live however they want but saying someone is “hateful” because they will not use preferred pronouns or accept your chosen gender is narcissistic and delusional.
The only thing there that is delusional is your viewpoint of it not being hate. It costs you absolutely nothing to use a preferred pronoun or to accept a chosen gender. You literally go out of your way to use terminology that would serve the only intention of upsetting/bothering someone. That is hate.
how does that make sense? What other aspect of life are individuals required to adhere to another person’s preferred demands?
Every aspect of life requires us to adhere to another individuals “preferred demands” if you wish to see it in such a twisted way, a preferred demand could therefore be seen as to not be killed, not be raped, be treated with respect (Just as you would expect in your daily life I am sure), these are all *preferred demands, all of us are ultimately free to do whatever we so choose, including the above. Only by adhering to societal *preferred demands is what stops the majority from doing so.
no we operate with in societal norms, not demands, and one of those norms is that there are 2 genders and that you cannot choose to be something you are not and expect others to go along with it.
I seem to recall that societal norms tend to evolve over time, otherwise we would still own slaves, Blacks would have no rights, heck you go back far enough and we would still be fucking kids if you upheld the Greek societal norms.
I believe these things changed because understanding of life changed. Imagine that huh.
100% they do change but to force society to ignore biological facts and accept a personal reality is not how that is done.
I’m fairly sure there were people claiming biologically speaking that Black people were an inferior species back in the day.