C’est bien car beaucoup ne maitrise pas la langue anglaise et pour parler dans le forum qu’en anglais ça aurait été dommage. go translate
Nice feature - thanks very much
I already posted this 4 day’s ago. See the reply I got form VHTV in above post.
I saw it, but I show what the program can do, instead of just telling ABOUT the program. Then readers can better decide if they want to try the program
Inline translations are temporary disab__d. I’ll re-enable it this week with either the same translation source or we will find something different. Using Google Translation API with our volumes makes our forum budget go dry
@VHTV_James When is the translation going to come back?
Apparently my question isnt high enough to be answered.
No other solution but the one used was found as for now
That means no built in translation for now?
I’m looking for alternative translation source, but am busy with lots of other stuff too
Good news. The Globe is back. For now.
We switched the translation source to Microsoft. I’ll be looking into the cost of it during upcoming week or two to see if it fits our economy.
The better news is that even if MS services will cost as much (or more than) as Google does, it seems like we’ll be able to switch to fully self-hosted AI-based translation which I found available here. Just hope MS doesn’t burn our budget to the ground during a week. We got 2M pageviews at Forum for the past 30 Days!
Congratulations, everyone!
While I got someone’s attention, here’s one more thing: you can now reply to the forum messages via email. Just reply to the forum message you received via email notification and it will be posted to the according topic or PM.
Yeah. Great
I checked the link. Seems it’s easy to implement in Docker. I hope it will work
I honestly don’t understand ONE word of that description!!!
What are we supposed to click on to send and receive messages via email? I just looked on the normal message interface and there is NOTHING (literally nothing) to allow sending by email.
translate.ru API вы на них никогда не обращали внимание?
Вот вам и пример будет насколько корректно будет перевод на английский.
translator.eu пользовался этим переводчиком он базируется на MS. Перевод с русского на английский, такой же как и через гугл. Много слов которые в русском обыденные, нужно перебирать все синонимы или близкие за смыслом слова.
There’s no integration available for Discourse & translate.ru. We won’t spend time integrating it ourself. In addition, I highly doubt it’s cheaper than using Google or Microsoft API
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- From now on you can reply back to the forum by sending a reply to the incoming messgae.
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Visit Topic or reply to this email to respond.
For review, I remembered that Yandex has an API
Can anyone explain why the translation globe never appears for Kacey? It only seems to happen with him.
I guess combination of too many emojis and exclamation marks.