Posts translation is back

What I meant is not everyone would like their whole forum content being translated by Google. When translating the whole page, you send much more data than in the option we provided. With current translation you only send the data you want to translate

Plus of course, the fact that Google does NOT always translate things correctly anyway! I have noticed it really isn’t very good at translating Russian, for example.

Is that because it is too fast. :wink: :rofl:

They say it works better for the most popular language pairs. Google Translate learns the more data you feed into it.

Maybe Russian to English isn’t very most popular one? surprise :slight_smile:

Yes, it’s Russian by so fast!!! :laughing:

I keep feeding into my mrs & im very popular still (russian wife) :innocent:

@VHTV_James have you looked at the plug in “ImTranslator: Translator, Dictionary, TTS” This seems to work very good for me. People can post in there own language and with a mouse highlight I can translate and write them back in there language. Just a thought.

@stanley the issue has been fixed.

@1313_Mockingbird_Ln, it’s up to end-users to choose software on their end. If it works for you, why not :slight_smile:

But no plans to introduce global translation to forum in the future.

Yes, it’s working correctly now - thank you. :hugs:

For some reason I don’t see “translate button” to this post - Marla & Hector - #40 by DarkJezza2022

Can confirm that. I do not see it too.

That means that @DarkJezza2022’s forum locale is the same language as yours: supposedly English.
We don’t detect the difference between user’s message language & your locale. We check user’s locale against yours. Otherwise there would be a severe load both for sending data to Google & our wallet to pay for so much of language detection :smiley:

The same way you don’t see on my posts :grin:

But you write English… So do I…

But not my country/language… not everybody know how / or bother to configure the profile

I speak and write in both English and Italian, but usually aim for English.

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Just found out on this auto translator it cant handle haggis speak :rofl:

No, I noticed the same thing, with another post elsewhere, where I would have thought there should be the translation button. I wonder why that happens.

The explanation is 2 post under mine which you are replying to - Posts translation is back - #32 by VHTV_James

In case anyone does not know IMTranslator
Im-Translator - the best and it’s free