Posts-per-hour limit?

So there was some troll going on a foul-mouthed spamming rampage, and @Noldus :+1: had quite a lot of moderating to do. Does this happen often? Trolls being trolls I guess this one might just create a new account and start over.

Could a posts-per-hour limit be useful to prevent this? We do have some legitimate and appreciated high frequency posters, so the limit would have to be set carefully. Some of our high frequency posters could reduce their number of posts though, by the virtue of editing, and adding stuff to, their last post in a given topic, instead of frequently going for the consecutive post limit.

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Probably it would help a bit, but guy used multiple accounts, so it wouldn’t change the overall situations. Also, used different IPs. But as It doesn’t happen really often, I don’t think that’s worth overthinking - crazy people will also find a way out, so maybe we will just add some simple limit for newcomers.

And @Noldus did absolutely great :people_hugging:


Yes, putting new accounts on some kind of probation limit seems like a good idea for this.


wouldnt it be easier to just limit new forum accounts to only using emojis for the first 24 hours any serious member would agree to the wait ,and this would stop the trolls from opening a new account just to troll after recieving a ban , usually a troll looses intrest after 24 hours of no reactions ?


But if an average person wants to ask something, why would we make him wait for 24 hours

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fair point , perhaps giving the senior members like jabs &noldus the use of the ban button , they could suspend an account untill you make a final decision , the seem to be active on the forum more than you . obviously i know your always lurking in the background as i have learned from experience :rofl: its just that if they had that option it would nip in the bud of the trolling ???


Unfortunately, that’s not achievable on Discrouse’s part. But, probably night support could do it.

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Yes if they could do it it would be a help. :+1:

not wanting to start an argument here .but discourse says otherwise . maybe your not aware of it but deffinately worth looking at ,

Sent by Copilot:

Yes, community leaders on the Discourse forum have the ability to suspend user accounts. When a user is suspended, they lose access to the forum. One approach is to use the “Anonymize User” feature, which preserves their contributions while preventing them from logging in with that specific account1. However, keep in mind that anonymizing is a permanent action, and the user won’t be able to rejoin or reconnect with their data. Another option is to remove the user from a custom “members” group when their membership expires, limiting their access to the forum.

maybe management dont want senior members to have that option , but like i said its stated otherwise on the main platform.

maybe i have said to much ,so will refrain from further involvement in this manner :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Please do not believe everything AI systems say - Discourse official documentation says vice versa

mmmh ok point taken , so you dont want any members being official moderators then . ooops (WARNING TO SELF) SHUT UP @Lazurus_aka_Virgil , kaya is cooking up a spell potion :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face: :zipper_mouth_face:

Yep, that would grant access to users private info

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giphy (6)


Let’s hope they will implement custom roles some day which will solve that problem.


All this could be regulated via NDA.

VHTV will probably have to increase its own staff considerably.

But you could also limit new users to a number X of postings at the beginning as already described. This was already possible over 10 years ago with various forum software systems.

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:rofl: :joy: :rofl:
Yah, that’s absolutely going to happen. Any day now. Just wait for it…


Maybe an idea to put the First Posts from a new menber under Moderation?
So that it has to be approved by Moderators or mo?


Not that it is my decision but maybe it would be reasonable now to restrict activity of new users until this gets resolved. I understand that there might be new users with genuine urgent questions but would be still better than this.

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As long as you have so many volunteers, the VHTV forum team will probably remain manageable.

VHTV should now have realized where the Achilles heel is …

VHTV just has to think about which way it wants to go…

Well, that’s a first step…