Poll : The most useless guest/participant on VHTV ?!?

Maybe ask through kaya? :innocent:

Yeah, you could try that :wink:

flora is is just a show off just like Sadie was

Nah Sadie fucked 18 different guys. I want to see that with Flora :joy:

but still was a show off FAKE

Do not agree. Why you think so?

i like to see nude girls ,but not nude and fake ,opening your legs in front of cam is fake both are FAKES and show offs

Flora is a lot more show off than Sadie ever was…

yes she is ,but still a show off ,June goes round nude but not showing off ,or is not a FAKE if you have a lovely girl with a sexy body ,you dont need to show off

he is a male Katia

you could say the same thing with candy red does fuck all

Glad that my boy, Calin, came in at the bottom of the list. he took a ding there but came out smellin’ of roses. Never doubted him. Champion he is. and he proved his detractors wrong this afternoon. dipped his wick proper. Nice one, easy breezey. Hidden depths has Calin. Like a ocean of surprises. never know what will wash ashore. Just got to keep your eyes peeled and your nose to the wind. He’s like a rare thing in a garage sale. Plays a slow game but he comes good in the end. Gotta have faith in team Calin.

Not surprised Jason was voted useless. I really had to look him up on wiki to even find out that he existed
and as for flora being a show off- yes please why aren’t they all showoffs !! Thank you Flora - the old joke
Not sure whether she makes an old man very happy or she makes a happy man very old !!
I just wish this was me.