Politics gossip

Topic for talking about politics and all connected to it.

I would move to go to Russia but with Putin in charge not a fuck

Fortunately, Putun is not immortal :slight_smile:

I know but he is terrifying, he is ruthless
yet many see him as a good guy

tea unsweetened

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Terrifying or just a strong leader ? If he was a western leader , he s the correct leader for now in russian history after what they had before, he s strong but country comes first allways , i dont like his politics but the man yes, yes he threats corjole s but think back who dropped two atomic bombs right or wrongly it was not russia.

Better the devil you no, than the unknown that can appear in the future sometimes

Shall I make a political gossip topic? Because we are far away from topic now…

Thought you were joking b___dy hell – im staying silent near you these walls have ears :rofl:

Why do we need this? :innocent:

Blame MrJABBS not me

Oksana pmed me and wanted a topic :wink:

Mmmmm thats it pass the buck :rofl:

You know something is very wrong when we create a gossip/politics discussion - because fack all ain’t happening on VHTV!

It has been more enjoyable chatting rubbish on the forum than watching the apartments! Is it me? Have I gone insane?

Oh My God Wow GIF by CBC


Its more fun on the forum – thats a fact at this moment intime :upside_down_face:

Ain’t that a blip!

Confused Blink GIF by Jackée Harry

I have seen that lady in other reactionary gifs…who is she?

Hi I’m Saaaaannnndra Clarke, this is from the sitcom 227! her real name is Jackée Harry

Disgusted Candy Bar GIF by Jackée Harry

Ah OK, I am none the wiser (regarding the sitcom) but thank you for answering. :slight_smile: