Picture upload

@VHTV_James Why does it take so long to upload a picture? Did you do something or is it something else?

I cannot load using the browser Google Chrome but when I use Microsoft Edge I have no problem loading photos.

Nothing has changed

I cannot load using the browser Google Chrome.

Same for me it doesn’t upload anymore. Must try a different browser.

They say the radiators have just been switched on and the heat should be fine in a couple of days, maybe it is the same problem as Nude House. Give it time and photos should start uploading. :grin:

Thanks that was just what i meant stupid me forgot to say Google. :man_facepalming:

Your k__ling me. :man_facepalming: :rofl:

The main screen screen grab function seems to always save in .png format and just will not upload for me whatever browser i use.
If i do a screen grab using other software and save it in .mpg format they all upload without any problem at all in any browser.

Pong, WTF I have no funny smells here :crazy_face:

But i never had that problem before now. If its .png or .jpg i could upload in Chrome and now i cant any more.

Fuck, suddenly I feel old :cry:

:laughing: :laughing: not funny. i dont use Edge I only use Google Chrome

VHTV mentioned last night they were disabling the google translation system or something maybe it has something to do with that.

A change is as good as a holiday.

Not for me. :tongue:

Do you get any error? Will be able to check later

No problem

There’s no error, it just says it’s processing, but it never actually processes the image.