I hope he punched whoever did that to his hair.
Didn’t Pyro have a similar haircut a while back? Maybe it’s in style over there.
It’s less severe than Pyro’s but it isn’t the style I’m bemoaning, more the poor execution of it, have you seen those ragged edges? that is a dr.un.ken haircut if ever I saw one. barber with the DTs. If he went to a barbershop for it, I hope he refused to pay.
Trying to understand the logic of having cam 4 and 5 one next to the other…
Pic from cam 4
Pic from cam 5
Why not moving cam 5 where i put the arrow ?
Why the red arrow?
I tried to point out where one of the two cams ( probably 5 ) , should be
This is the reason i checked this place
I do not think there is any logic. They threw the cams and where they stuck they left them
It’s been that long since he’s fucked anyone that when he fucked this guest girl that this never happened
but still can’t last longer than usual
He lasted longer than I expected considering how long he’s gone
he definitely has more passion sex with girl than boy
He has a very attractive girlfriend
Let’s name her Kimmie
Now offline, personal reasons. I hope that doesn’t spell the end of him.