Participant names on topics

@VHTV_James it sprung to mind when I noticed that Leya’s name has been removed from Elliot’s topic, how would we know she has been a major part of that topic?
Because now all the topic say’s is Elliot and only tagged as Elliot how would I know that Leya was even part of that topic.

I can add her tag again when you want?

I believe participants tags should remain for topics where their discussion was present.
In addition, maybe the topic’s first post should contain name(participants) change history?

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I think that the first post of the topic detailing topic name changes is a good idea.

Can the blue slider on the right have a marker on it or some other kind of marker on the page to say at what post the topic was renamed?

The historic on first post is a good idea, but guess won’t help when searching using the tags… Maybe adding a tag like “ex-leya”

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Interesting idea. But no :thinking:

No, please, don’t populate ex- entities. This may be a solution if no better found. I need to dive into docs in order to see if we can build consistent tag hierarchy.

For now I added a remark in first post of the Elliot topic.

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