Ele pode estar arquivando os vídeos com programas de gravação de tela. Mas, sim, os vídeos dela e de outros já foram publicados em sites considerados piratas. A questão é: Quem tem acesso às câmeras privadas para enviar os vídeos para os sites piratas, se como você falou, são de direitos contratuais exclusivos do VH.
I just had another look and yes, they’re watching some pirate sites and not the archive.
You’re welcome.
Onde vemos isso
It basically does not matter. By signing these papers they agree that the content can be published anywhere… Sure it is a DMCA violation against VHTV to post things like that on pirate sites but for the guest it makes no difference.
They didn’t all look upset about everything and still some laughter about what they were looking at. Felt the issue was that videos appeared on the pirate sites. But it’s VHTV so who knows
I watched Johns video and I agree to your observation. They rather looked amused than angry.
Sad , have to say that it is the end of seen Catalina. first and last beautiful girl of VHTV! I was so happy whenever see her but this joy didnt last long! hope they can figure it out and we keep seen Catalina again!
Elle dit clairement non … il lui impose d avoir un rapport ca s appel un viol en France
if anyone does a good check ,there are lots of sites that have VHTV videos and also RLC if one goes away there are many more that pop up on my laptop if i go on a bad site there is a message telling me it unsafe to use it would be to bad if parsifal got to go ,because this plase got maybe one of the best girls here on this site
É melhor deixar isso quieto. Se mexer muito, pode virar uma bola de neve.
I very much doubt. The first day he was showing all the camera after he unblocked the window camera when she blocked it. And when she took her first shower, she asked him to stand in front of the camera. Regarding the others, they were actually parting and singing songs when she was crying. And red hair girl, Ophelia definitely do know. She even posed for the camera. Sharing with pirate site, archiving it may be an issue
They were laughing hysterically. Yes, they were surprised, but the comments they were making at that moment were pretty mean. They were talking about personal violence outside the apartment, going to the police and demanding moral compensation. There was a lot said there and everything they were talking about sounds terrible for Parsi’s future. No papers were signed, they only found out about the site today. Catalina is a little over 18, but that doesn’t change the fact that Parsi will have huge problems.
They just realized what it was, started watching archived videos, calming themselves down and laughing at some of the moments in the video. But they also remain angry about the situation and they won’t let it go that easily.
The real issue might be if they did not sign any papers that also no age check was done.
She is definitely over age around 20 -21
She work or worked in a club. So she is definitely over 18. I can’t tell you how I know it else you may ban me .Can DM you if you want. And I have never seen anyone in Tonk, Ubaldo, Art, Camille etc which I follow sign papers. I have seen people sign papers where mostly it’s “hired” guests or friends. Flora and her franchise apt have seen going extra step and clicking photos with the guests holding passports.
If my AI translation tool is correct indeed none of them sitting in front of the computer knew that the cameras are broadcasting. They were talking about “turning them off now”