Congrats @Anthony174341
Congratulations to the worthy winner
I ask for a friend: “A notary was present at the draw?!” @Amy
And let there be 8 more winners who get +10 Standard/Premium days (depends on if you have no/standard/premium days now).
@Shyguy gets +10 Standard Days
@Jarod528 gets +10 Premium Days
@Vertigoo1985 gets +10 Premium Days
@Dallas126446 gets +10 Standard Days
@Sheridan178000 gets +10 Standard Days
@Davidoff gets +10 Premium Days
@Logan123171 gets +10 Premium Days
@NotSeth gets +10 Premium Days
Thank you all for participating. Thank you @John78 for sponsoring the 30-Day Premium Giveaway!
If you’d like to sponsor a giveaway or any other initiative, please send me a PM and we will discuss all the conditions. Let’s make it fun and interesting.
Well that was certainly unexpected, thank you
Congrats to all the winners
Always my pleasure
I am very impressed by the massive number of people participating
Congratulation to all winners
Congratulations everyone
The spin is a recording. There is no way to know how many spins they did before they decided who the “worthy” winner would be.
B___dy hell, what is this all about, cause I’m lost…
#myfav otto lola,flora
You’re too late. The raffle has already ended and the winners have been announced.
Congrats all
You don’t want to imply anything…
You’re saying they have two accounts?!
No, of course not. I’d never do such a thing. As a member of this fine community, who is in good standing and admiration of all involved, I have a reputation to maintain and I duly respect that far to much to make such ghastly accusations. VHTV is a beacon of light that should be gazed upon with amazement and trust beyond measure.
Sup, where you’ve been?
Anyway, here’s the deal. There are 10 codes.
Use one of those to get -10% Discount for your 90/180/365-Day new Premium subscription.
One code per person. First come - first served.
Expires by Wednesday UTC (2023-01-25T00:00:00Z)
Again, thank you everybody for participation. I personally loved to see so many of you sharing your love and desires towards your favorite participants. Special thanks to those who made effort and picked up some words & media to express it.
Even if not serious, someone mattered to you one day and that’s how VHTV stayed in your heart
See you soon.