Oscar & Pearl

Unfortunately, this thought also crossed my mind, it’s strange that she only slept here for 1 night



Nothing logical in women pal have given up trying to second guess them.

Amelie adding a little intellectual look.


Maybe she needs to calm down and stay alone or with her family for a while. She seems to be a sensitive kind of person and everything that happens has affected her. Unfortunately, a person like Thelma will always be missed. I hope she will visit Amelie often…

I really hope she doesn’t do something like that… as you said, habit becomes addiction & Thelma needs self esteem first !

I agree, she appears to have low self-esteem and I’m afraid that scumbag has sweet talked her into coming back, wherever back is? With all that going on in their location I’d be surprised if survival is not the rule of the day rather than seeking help against a destructive relationship from abusive men. Comfort comes in all forms and unfortunately, she may be too weak to fight, I truly hope I’m wrong.

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I completely agree with what you wrote. Everything fall together. War, bad relationship. If it wasn’t for the war she could go on a trip to get away and forget things, and she might meet a proper man who she deserves

Damn, she has a lot of stuff

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On the phone, I think she has someone coming to help her move (?), be interesting if it’s the “wife-beater” given a pass to the apartment to help her move?

Hey, we truly don’t want to disappoint you or anyone else here, but Thelma decided to go away with her boyfriend and stay with him, rather than with Amelie. We know, you will have a lot of questions, so I’ll tell you, that we talked about it and, according to what she said, this is her choice (pushed or not by someone). Also, as we think, it’s her own responsibility now. From our side, we have offered her to stay, because our house has a bomb shelter and it doesn’t have any aggressive men, but she is confident with her choice. That’s why, it’s all up to you, to judge her or believe she’ll be okay, but we don’t hold anyone by f___e. That’s why we say goodbye to Thelma for now.


There is no chance he can get better
it’s in his dna. all the days he’s has been at your Realm his behavior has been strange since day one maybe he’ll try to talk her into going to a doctor I hope Telma doesn’t think he’ll improve his character

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It’s not on us to judge. Every single major person is free to do whatever wants and feels. Thelma is no different. She chosen to follow her heart.
Personally, i can only pray and hope that she will be fine. :pray: :heart:


Well all i can say is that she is a silly girl and may, god forbid, end up being hurt very badly.
She can only be advised but in the end it is up to her, her choice, her life and nobody elses. :cry:


As you sad she is a big woman & she decides as she thinks… we wish her the best
& never to regret it…!!


Maybe being on cam he was just trying to show off and that off cam he may be a different person.
Lets all hope so anyway. :two_hearts:

Do you really believe this? :wink:

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Lets just say i truly hope so but unfortunately in life, once an a___er always an a___er, very sad to say but normally very true.
I really hope she will be ok as she is a lovely girl and doesn’t deserve that kind of treatment.


I also hope that she doesn’t live far from you as i know you would take care of her and offer her a refuge if the worst happens :two_hearts:

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Stay safe!

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