Oscar & Pearl

Amelie a great woman, full of values ​​and feelings, obviously besides being beautiful… Telma you are beautiful and Amelie will surely be close to you, I really hope you can find the serenity you deserve and a man who REALLY LIKES YOU!!! You are very beautiful


one of the beautiful moments for me is seeing you both healthy and hearing your laughter thank you please take care of yourselves

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Completing the Leopard started few days ago


I find it a bit weird that anybody seems to be able to tattoo others, over here we have specialist shops/studios. :roll_eyes:

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Well i don’t know their sk__ls, but she drawns pretty good comparing to me :joy:
I believe that as most of them are full on ink on their bodies it may be something quite common and doesn’t have to obbey to any sanitary business rules as it’s suppose on the western side

You maybe right as all tattoo parlours/shops over here have to be registered etc. so over there may be a lot different.

Telma is leaving now:(


The tattoo on view now.



Amelie just eft the apartamento and went to the shelter, i Heard the bombs.
Fucking war!!!

I watching her dressing at 3 am I didn’t know what happened I thought something wrong with Telma Unbelievable to have a war in Europe in the 21st century !! Like 1940 again!!

Amelie needs to have her GO BAG better prepared so she can just throw some clothes on and split for the shelter!

All free People around the world should get off the sofa and protest in the streets…
to stop what is happening A genocide takes place in the heart of Europe !! Ok we talk about it, we worry about it, but that is not enough. Tens of thousands of Young men have been k__led. Tomorrow we may all experience the same at our door !!
This is the culture we stand for… Before we are all financially & nuclear destroyed let’s all stop it Now !!

Dam, that close ?

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You talking out your ass again, in Britain anyone can buy tattoo equipment over the interweb and start doing tattoos. Yes there are shops with professionals but amateurs can easily obtain the equipment and tattoo from their house. :crazy_face:

Well you are obviously the expert and know best. :roll_eyes:
You can buy anything on the internet doesn’t make it legal though does it?
Tattooing has to be licenced and is heavily regulated in the UK full stop, any other means is illegal.
So sorry but i am not talking out my ass just stating facts.
Also is illegal for anyone under the age of 18.
Over to you pal.

Health and Safety

Here in the UK, the licensing and procedures carried out in tattoo and piercing studios is subject to heavy regulation. Local councils often conduct regular inspections of premises to ensure that they are compliant with health and safety laws, and it is a requirement for every tattoo artist to be licensed by their local council. Tattooing without a license or a tattoo certification is illegal.

Age of consent in the UK

The UK prohibits anyone under the age of 18 to have a tattoo, and any artist found to do so will be prosecuted and fined, so, it’s imperative you always ask for proof of age and to include a copy in a consent form.

Interestingly, the legal age for a tattoo does differ in other parts of Europe. For example, there is no age restriction in Bulgaria, Czech Republic or Hungary, and in Spain, customers as young as 14 can get inked. France’s age requirement is 16, while Austria, Denmark and Germany are among the few who join the UK of the minimum age being 18.

The UK is actually one of the only E.U. countries not to allow tattooing of teenagers under 18 whatsoever, even with parental consent. In fact, within the UK, you are required to have a license for a broad range of permanent surgical procedures, including tattooing, semi-permanent skin colouring, cosmetic piercing, electrolysis and acupuncture.


Your the one asserting the legality, your original post suggests that only licensed professionals in shops could do tattoos but as I said anyone could buy the equipment and do it.
For all we know it could be similar in their countries, that it should be registered professionals doing tattoos and here we have amateurs doing it.

Like we haven’t seen illegal activities here before. :upside_down_face:

:heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Amelie, since I’ve been watching you, I really admire your kindness and attention to others. It is good to see that there are still such people who can show their feelings towards others. I also admire your composure after the events of this morning. It’s good to see that you and Telma get along so well, I’m sure that it means a lot to her, I think only many people would dream of such a friendship, not to mention that as a girlfriend. Lucas is very lucky!