That will need several miracles to happen in the same time.
More than likely, Telma will not give up on this guy after “only” this kind of episodes.
Sad but this is what her attitude shows
That will need several miracles to happen in the same time.
More than likely, Telma will not give up on this guy after “only” this kind of episodes.
Sad but this is what her attitude shows
If they come back online it will happen again…
It will happen again either online or not. And even more likely when they are not online
When this type of violence happens to women, it’s not uncommon for the woman to stay out shear fear of her boyfriend. They fear for their life because these nutcases will come and try to k__l them. Only hope is she someone in her family that can put this guy out to pasture.
I think John even though he hit her she was afraid that he would hurt his self because he knows him well. It wouldn’t be the first time this happened I’m sure
it would be nice to get a response from @kaya or @VHTV_James to see what they want to do…
It’s nothing they can do more than banning this guy from appearing on cams.
Everything else is their private life
This is a long-running abusive relationship in which the woman usually takes the blame completely on herself after such an event, saying that she is to blame because…/insert any of moronic excuses.
In the past, the @VHTV_CEO had interfered with something like this and imposed penalties. But now nothing happens except maybe fines in the background. The worst thing that happened was with one apartment, the a_____l ban and one apartment was closed. However, the participant was later allowed to move to many other apartments.
Conclusion: As long as no one dies, nothing happens!
Exactly, i totally agree, her attitude during the whole event showed perfectly that she was blaming herself
First Of all, Telma will need a month to recover from her wounds. Maybe Amelie comes back or they take a month off and Telma stays with Amelie in the Realm or somewhere else
this thing really pisses me off when a woman feels guilty after the man beats her…
I believe that on movies or reality many of us here already seen situations like this. He - She / She - He doesn’t matter here, just used from current example because also happens in the other way
She is totally dominated by him, he blames her for everything bad that happens (even if he cheats her he will blame her for that) and that without him she is nothing. She was beaten but i totally believe that it was because she didn’t do something like he wanted, so not the guy faults
He treats to do something crazy to his and her life if she leaves him, so she leaves totally in panic of doing anything like dump him
Most probably she was step away from their friends (direcly or indirectly) that could help her because he said it was him (the “only good thing you will find in the rest of your life”) or them
And day by day, week by week, month by month living on this situation she totally loses her spirit and just go deep and deep and deep
I believe, for people from the area, this kind of issue have a name
Unfortunately that “conclusion” also doesn’t seem to be accurate
as recently as two days ago I posted a comment that was censored, I called this individual human excrement, and now I do it again. As for Tela and the relationship with him… we must not forget that if she is in love with him every time she tries to give him a chance, hoping that he will change, among other things don’t forget the stockholm syndrome , paradoxically it is a particular psychological state that can affect the victims of a k____pping or repeated a___e, who, in an apparently paradoxical way, begin to nurture positive feelings towards their tormentor which can range from solidarity to falling in love.
I wanted to say that VHTV (I think except once) has never issued a permanent BAN. All the people who were “banned” came back at some point.
Usually this happens she feels guilty that it is her fault… she will need help to get rid of him and I hope she willing to do that …
I could tell from the first moment I saw him, that he was not suitable for this “project”.
Guy’s terrible situation happened… I am in shock
I always thought they played little S&M games as couples do… but never expected that. She is so cool. Off with his head. Hope she comes back if they let her. just keep his sorry ass out.