Oscar & Pearl

girls power …



Telma leave that idiot you have for a boyfriend. No one should hit their girlfriend

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Telma llorando, cuando su novio salia por la puerta

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Espero que no le halla pasado nada Amelie ni a Lucas . estando en guerra como están.

El novio de Telma ha golpeado a Telma, así que se fue y espero que nunca regrese. Ninguna chica merece ser golpeada

Bei dem Gastpaar hat es böse gekracht!

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He hit her in the Loggia then tore through her makeshift wardrobe, react crazy, cursed, like he had a having a nervous breakdown, also I think he was _____ …
and then he left

What a violent idiot… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Hope we don’t have to see him again, a guy who hits girls is no man! Without a crap boot.

Doubt if we see either one after it hits the fan!

Mir kommt es vor, dass Telma diesem gewalttätigen Arschloch hörig ist. Er misshandelt und demütigt sie bei jeder Gelegenheit. Und trotzdem bettelt Telma darum, dass er bleibt.

Idiot, don’t beat your girlfriend who trusts and loves you. Then you can go out and defend your country. A woman will not reciprocate if she loves you, besides, you can make her miserable for life. Thank you on behalf of Amelie and Lucas for this circus, so far Realm is not even on the list…

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In such situations, a man of this type goes out for extra amounts of a_____l and comes back in two possible variants: crying and begging or… even more violent.

In this case, I fear that even uglier things will happen today. I hope I am wrong.

@kaya, please pay extra attention.

This guy wants to blow off steam with sex and slap banging and yesterday when they were making love he was afraid to do so… & today he got _____ and broke everything and hit Telma

I hope Telma doesn’t open the door and he doesn’t have keys

VHTV - Are you listening to these comments??? Is this what you allow as content??? Violence should NEVER be allowed. It’s very disturbing hearing or witnessing these horrible behaviors.

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VHTV took amelie &lucas appartment offline

Watch Telma face he hit her bad !! He threw her down and was beating her in the Loggia I saw that …

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