Yes, the budgies are still there in Amelie’s bedroom, along with her yellow
cuddly ‘chick/teddy’, I think, so hopefully we’ll see Amelie again xx
pourquoi sur les sujets de début année ils apparaissent chez lucas et amélie sous le nom de mario et maria
et que maintenant c’est oscar et pearl ?
I don’t quite understand your question. You know that Lucas has passed away as I see you posted in October. Oscar and Pearl was previously called Mario and Maria. Amelie has now moved out. No one here knows whether she will return or possibly as a guest. Don’t know if this answered what you were wondering!
justement, je me demandais pourquoi ils s’appelaient mario et maria avant et oscar et pearl maintenant ?
pourquoi leur changer de nom sachant qu’on sait très bien que ce ne sont pas leur vrais prénoms !
I have to admit I have no idea about that. I guess they had their reasons!
The names Mario and Maria were given by us here on the forum when they first visited as guests. Was nothing “official” let’s say. Later on, when they became participants, they’ve chosen the names Oscar & Pearl. I hope this helps